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#1 Guest_tossing iron_*

Guest_tossing iron_*
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Posted 30 December 2015 - 08:11 PM

You can never get 20 years experience in less than 20 yrs.
Experiment. Try different methods .
Try different equipment.
Try different baits flies lures line.
Try different waters.
That's the whole fun of fishing.
I've fished 40+ yrs now and still learning.
Your never going to learn on what's written on a forum.
Do It.
And have a great 2016.
P.S Don't get sucked in to the 24-7 Comercial bombardment. Lol
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#2 fishfreek



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Posted 30 December 2015 - 09:35 PM

Unless your a poker player.........

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#3 bigugly



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Posted 30 December 2015 - 11:09 PM

I'm always trying different bait. Other than roe I have found a few favorites. Sometimes I'm afraid of experimenting, like using spinners or plugs but gotta get over that.

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#4 ChromeAddict



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Posted 30 December 2015 - 11:49 PM

I need to work on adjusting my rig before moving spots. I sometimes set my rig at the start of the day, and only adjust it once or twice throughout the day. I also seem to set up way too shallow for the areas I am fishing. It's all about learning. :)

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#5 Guest_tossing iron_*

Guest_tossing iron_*
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Posted 31 December 2015 - 05:28 PM

I'm always trying different bait. Other than roe I have found a few favorites. Sometimes I'm afraid of experimenting, like using spinners or plugs but gotta get over that.

Biggest jolt I've ever had was a bow hitting my skunk quick fish almost pulled the rod out of my hand.
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#6 NaturehasIT



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Posted 01 January 2016 - 03:38 PM

You can never get 20 years experience in less than 20 yrs.
Experiment. Try different methods .
Try different equipment.
Try different baits flies lures line.
Try different waters.
That's the whole fun of fishing.
I've fished 40+ yrs now and still learning.
Your never going to learn on what's written on a forum.
Do It.
And have a great 2016.
P.S Don't get sucked in to the 24-7 Comercial bombardment. Lol


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#7 michaelPhillips


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Posted 14 January 2016 - 11:10 PM

Biggest jolt I've ever had was a bow hitting my skunk quick fish almost pulled the rod out of my hand.

Those killer hits is why I swing flies. If you're a gear guy swing spoons spinners or even a glossy shad!?  

and you get those takes fairly often! 

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#8 Guest_tossing iron_*

Guest_tossing iron_*
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Posted 15 January 2016 - 07:40 PM

Informative video. That technique would be killer on the Grand.
Thanks for sharing.
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