What to buy at BPS for $50

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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2014
So I got a Gift Certificate at Bass Pro Shops and I don't know what to buy.

Over the holidays - I've gotten pretty much everything I could need for the upcoming season.

So now I'm stumped.

What would you buy with a $50 gift certificate at Bass Pro Shops?
tossing iron said:
Do they sell fishing and hunting licenses

Dunno - But good idea

However, I always see a GC as free stuff. And I prefer free luxurious than free necessities (if that makes any sense LOL)

fishfreek said:
Save it till you need something, apparently they don't expire.
Didn't realize that there's no expiry date on these.

I'm guessing I can't take this Gift card into the US and buy at a BPS store in 'Murica...?
Pretty sure you can use it in America it works US here so I'd assume vice versa... but with the value of the dollar right now might not be your smartest bet.

I got so many gift cards the last 3 years I saved them up and got a trolling motor, battery and charger this summer. Best part was the $100 US card which I got when the dollars were on par but spent when it was worth $130 CAD :)
The bps spring classic is coming up in February , maybe something you can use will go on sale. Or what I do is,a rod or reel trade in and put my gift card to help pay for a high end product.