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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2015
I'm really thinking of another Rod. I already have a Raven IM8 and love it but it's one of those want things. My support payments are soon going down and I'm torn between what to get for a me present. G.Lomis IMX or .....????? The Raven has served me well so I could be talked into another. I hear great things about the Lomis, is the hype worth it? This would be a dedicated Steelhead Rod in a two piece 13' rod.
I've always been a big fan of Fen wick rods myself and there excellent service if anything ever happen's. St Croix is #2 IMO.

I purchased a temporary rod for the time being: Berkeley but mind you it was still $160 but when I look at the quality of my $300 Fen wick it doesn't even deserve to go in the same case.

Congrads on payment going down 8 years to go here.
Having fished one quite a bit and also fishing an im8 for years Id recommend the cts affinity 2pc in either 12 or 13ft. A really sweet rod, fast, crisp and incredibly light with loads of power. im8 is a nice rod don't get me wrong but to me the difference is night and day. They are only available as a blank and have to be built. blank goes for about 330. You could get a nice build done for around 650 to 800 Id think. If you keep your eyes open for a while by frequenting sites like floatfishing.net they do pop up for sale as finished rod quite often. To give you an idea I picked up my 12ft for 350 which is basically the price of the blank alone. usually they go for around 500 You could also look into sage rods but your talking serious coin for those.
If you want loomis look at the glx line up 11 3", 13ft, comes in a 2 power and a 3 power. The original imx is no longer produced. the new shimano loomis came out with a newer version imx but totally different rod and hasn't received the greatest of reviews
Hey Big, you should also look at Streamside rods. Tranquility and steelhead. They don't go more than $200 and have proven to be a solid rod. I'm not sure about warranties and fortunately i have not yet needed one. I have mine for 3 solid years now and have handled salmon, steelhead pike & bass. yes, i do use my pin for pike and bass too.
I'm a Browning Six Rivers guy, cheep and durable, and always the Bass Pro excellent oops it broke policy.
I'd agree with troutamer, either a custom or g Loomis. Next tier down, I would try out the streamside steelhead fs1302 or Avid.

If you open up options to 3 piece rods, rv9 has good reviews
Rv9 is on the list if I can get over the three piece part of it. I'm sure after awhile you would get use to dealing with three sections.
I have a tranquility paired with a sheffield. and it works pretty good. for salmon I downsized to Streamside steelheaded rod ($80) with okuma raw 2. back when raw 2 was $169. Now it's about $240. I always put $$$ in front on what i'm spending. What I can't spend in gear, I will just make up on legwork, time on water and research. And taking good care of your equipment is key. Thank God spinning reels are cheaper.
Considering its more of a want thing than a need, I'd go all out and get a custom rod. Getting a custom rod will definitely fulfill your desires. This is just my opinion but I wouldn't get a Streamside, Okuma, Browning and etc considering your Raven IM8 is a better rod. If your willing to spend $400-$500 for a new set up, I'd wait and save up more and build a custom rod to your liking. Use your IM8 for the spring run and have a custom built throughout the summer time so that way come fall you'll have your custom rod ready for the fall run steelhead which to me is the best time to catch those feisty chromes.
Shop for a blank and build your own.
Like I've posted earlier.
No need for any type of fixture.
Couple heavy books for tension while winding and your good.
Take your time and enjoy your build.
I have been enjoying my own results since the mid eighties.
Will be passing the rod on to my son.
I've been thinking of it, now I gotta research and see if it's in my realm of abilities.
From a quick youtube search I'm sure this is something I could do but I also am realistic, my life is hectic and have very little free time it's part of being a divorced father and shift worker. My time is precious and time to build a rod is something I certainly don't have. Great suggestion and maybe one day I will but for now I'll keep searching and researching for the one I want.
rainshadow are ok too, and they pop up here or kijiji pretty often, usually you can get them for around 2 bills
I just got the RV9, and love it! Nice slow tip and lots of backbone where you need it. With the weighted butt it will balance out nice with just about any reel.