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Old Fisherman - New Ideas

trout trolling pike walleye rainbow steelhead lures salmon

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#1 Lurecharge



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Posted 26 June 2016 - 10:14 AM

Hi all. I am the inventor and manufacturer of Lurecharge products. I have had a ton of fun developing my system. We don't use it but fish do ... electroreception, that is. It is just a natural sense to them and I have figured out how to get the receptive ones to come to your lures. So far, I know it works on salmon and some trout. When it works, 80% of the fish will take a 'tuned' lure over a plain, identical one when they are trolled 16 ft apart. This may sound gimmicky, but it's not! I look forward to answering your queries on the forum.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: trout, trolling, pike, walleye, rainbow, steelhead, lures, salmon