Pond in the woods has trout? Why?

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Active Member
Nov 13, 2016
So. A few weeks ago I was walking in the woods with my dogs, and I found a pond roughly 15 minutes from my house. My house is out in the middle of nowhere and there arnt really any houses around, or people at all really. But when I stumbled on the pond it had an abandoned house on top of a hill, already really sketchy but I decided to try and fish it. I comeback a week later with my gear and hoping to catch a bass or two, and low and behold I catch a Brook trout on my first cast. And I was very surprised about my catch, but later caught another trout, a little smaller than the he first though. :does anyone know how there could be trout in a pond in the middle of nowhere?
And could anyone tell me how I could reliably catch them? I caught my two on a dropshot with zoom swampcrawlers and 1/0 dropshot hook, but I'm hotbed sure they that'll be too effective.
Maybe it was stocked at one point. With no predatory fish, they could thrive... or die off depending on the environment..

Try smaller spinner, or even just worms
This sounds exactly like my secret little spot. Is the house still intact or just foundation remaining?

And it was most likely stocked at one point and is spring fed.

Small panther Martins or mepps work great. Or worms.

Brookies aren't in season right now though. I'm not sure of the legalities as far as an abandoned stocked pond go, but if you get busted targeting trout in a closed creek it's not pretty.
If there is an inlet/outlet with the pond(which there is, being spring fed), than the season is closed.
Brookies are natives - lotta small lakes resembling ponds have them up north. Brookies are closed right now unless its a stocked pond, at least in my zone. Find your lake on the Fish ONLine website and see if the ministry stocks it. Congrats on finding a little slice of heaven near you ;)
I totally didn't think stocked ponds were exempt from regs.
I don't know if I agree with that.
What's to prevent some poacher claiming these fish were caught in a private pond?
nightcrawlers will work well on ponds. I fished a stock pond during openers because of a derby they held every year. I comeback every weekend after the event and had a few anglers only because it's the opener and everyone wants steelhead...brook trout are fun.
tossing iron said:
I totally didn't think stocked ponds were exempt from regs.
I don't know if I agree with that.
What's to prevent some poacher claiming these fish were caught in a private pond?
Worse yet, by ponds I mean small, public access lakes, some of which have very easy access. Typically the stocker lakes where I fish all have small fish and not all fish have fins clipped ( perhaps they are reproducing? ). So if you get pulled over with a bunch of pigs in the back of the trunk I'm sure the local CO would know something fishy is going on if you lied... regardless, the poaching bush boys game is still strong and they will continue to do so. Theres a few lakes that have relatively easy access and are closed to fishing all together, yet some local boys boast about going and catching 5 lbers for dinner :neutral:
finnigan said:
This sounds exactly like my secret little spot. Is the house still intact or just foundation remaining?

And it was most likely stocked at one point and is spring fed.

Small panther Martins or mepps work great. Or worms.

Brookies aren't in season right now though. I'm not sure of the legalities as far as an abandoned stocked pond go, but if you get busted targeting trout in a closed creek it's not pretty.
The house is still intact. It's a white little bungalow style house. And thanks for the bait reccomendation. Ive just found a few old spinners and I'm getting hits, but I can't seem to actually hook the fish.
troutddicted said:
Brookies are natives - lotta small lakes resembling ponds have them up north. Brookies are closed right now unless its a stocked pond, at least in my zone. Find your lake on the Fish ONLine website and see if the ministry stocks it. Congrats on finding a little slice of heaven near you ;)
The pond has most likely been stocked before, but probably not recently. I've seen small minnows on the bank of the pond. The pond also dosnt appear to be too deep. The bank I fish off of seems to be the deepest section of the pond, possibly 5 feet. The pond also dosnt seem to have weeds, I havnt been hung up and I can't see any. The other side is very shallow, roughly ankle deep. Any size specifications of the spinners?
Check the regs so you dont get in trouble for fishing it. This ponds gotta have some deeper water somewhere I'm assuming. Right now brookies would be shallow and ferocious. They are notorious short strikers. Spoons are my go to but a live worm hung under a float will get them to bite and hang on for sure.
Yukondogloshua said:
The house is still intact. It's a white little bungalow style house. And thanks for the bait reccomendation. Ive just found a few old spinners and I'm getting hits, but I can't seem to actually hook the fish.
Good too know. Had me worried you'd found my hole. Haha