Trophy Splake - North of 7

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Wow, thats a great fish. Looks like you got yourself quite the lake. I've fished so many splake lakes north of there and my biggest is approx. 4 lbs. Best of luck beating that 9'er.
troutddicted said:
Wow, thats a great fish. Looks like you got yourself quite the lake. I've fished so many splake lakes north of there and my biggest is approx. 4 lbs. Best of luck beating that 9'er.
I can't believe how hard they fight....
Great looking fish! I have a cottage up north and supposedly there are splake in there.... If only I knew how to catch them!
Ontario record is 20.71 pounds caught back in 1987, in the G-bay near wasaga beach.
Ice fishing is like a kids Jack in the box.
Keep winding , see what jumps out.
Beauty fish. Congrats.
Nice one Bud, I usually do a Bancroft outing once a year for Splake and they can be a hit and miss. Congrats.