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Stocking bass into woodland pond

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#1 Yukondogloshua


    Shiner Minnow

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Posted 20 June 2017 - 10:21 PM

So, there is a small pond behind my house, about 30 feet by 35 feet. It doesn't have much vegetation but there are several fallen trees. There are not many fish in the pond except for some chubs, small shiners and a couple of brook trout. The pond has a shallow side, with the deepest depth being 5 feet, and the furthest 15 feet or so being less than a foot deep. All I'm wondering is how I could put some bass from another pond into this pond.

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#2 Disco


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Posted 21 June 2017 - 09:39 AM

Please read the regs and laws in Ontario pertaining to your query. It is illegal to stock any fish into any other body of water with the exception of private property. Also why would you want to put bass in a brook trout pond? The bass would wipe out the Brookies which are already a sensitive species. The fact that Brookies can survive at all in that pond is amazing as brook trout are highly sensitive to temperature and toxins. This means that small pond is a gem of health and a native species survives there.
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#3 BearInTheWoods



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Posted 21 June 2017 - 03:24 PM

Agreed - protect that gem ... others would kill for it.

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