Ah Ice Shelves

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2015
Gotta love the cold, no one on the creek and ice shelves to fish. Had to be patient to get a good drift in between the slush and ice chunks but worth it if you could get your gear through it. No pictures hands where to Cold but got my pb likely around 15lbs. Fish where hammering chartreuse beads and brown roe.
Lol I don’t take many pictures, this would have been the time but fish didn’t want to pose long enough. Lol
Lol...simply thinned the herd. Gone are the harvesters...Tribs simply turned into anglers paradise. My vid cam froze (knock off) and died...No need for pictures big...simply enjoy the experience when steels and browns come out to play.
Hey guys,

Nice to see some activity on the forum and glad you guys are catching some fish.

DILLIGAF you bring up an interesting point regarding harvesting that's had me thinking for quite some time...should harvesting of steelhead be allowed AT ALL? If so, how many, should it be restricted to certain parts of the river, or size classes, or times of year?

First, I must admit I'm guilty of harvesting my limit (when I can) usually if I'm fishing my favourite Northern trib which is most often the case.

Some guys I talk to say they only keep fish from the mouth and not up river where I fish.

I often feel guilty about it as though I'm doing the fishery harm and robbing the other anglers of the opportunity to catch fish.

But does harvesting 2 fish really harm the system? Is there such thing as a sustainable harvest or a harvest which may actually benefit the fishery?

I try to give back to the river but I would love to learn more about specific organizations especially those stocking GB tribs as a way to further contribute and give back.

Also FYI for those who may be interested, my understanding is zone 16 is holding consultations till Dec. 21, 2017 and you may provide your submission to [email protected].

