Can I stock a protected conservation pond

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Jul 23, 2018
Hi everyone

I am new here and I am wondering if anyone knows if I can stock a protected conservation pond here in ontario.
I want to put some large mouth in there and bluegill to for the bigger fish to feed on. There are also minnows to. The pond is pretty big and there is lots of cover and weeds and it would be to good of a place to not throw a frog. It's a shame there is not fish in it already. I know you could put 3 or 4 pounders in there and they would be fine.

If i am going to do this and it's legal I will be taking them out of a river or lake if I am aloud.

Hmmm... the definition of "protected conservation pond" makes introduction of new species questionable at best in my opinion. You might direct your question to MNR
First, read the regs front to back, especially if you've never done so before. It is pretty clear that you cannot transport live fish from one water body ANYWHERE. So from that perspective, it is illegal.

The next perspective is ecological. If there are not already bluegill or LMB in that pond, then that lake has an ecosystem developed in their absence. Introducing them can cause havoc, and all so you can fish it? That holds true even for a water management pond.

Contact the conservation authority who is responsible for managing the pond. Offer to help in any volunteer capacity they might find useful. Just don't stock it.
Ok I will not stock the pond. Do you know where i could find the regulations as I can't find them online.
********. You didn't even look. Type "Ontario fishing regulations" into google and it is the first result.