Sounds like you might possibly want to get away from the social network drama & video games.
It really sucks when The parents house, feed & support you in every way, LOL
I'm not making fun of you. I fondly remember those good ol days.
It's called growing up & it was a lot of fun.
I have an ingenious idea, It's summer, you want to fish.
Grab the lawnmower & a gas can.
Go to a more elderly niebourhood, knock on some doors & offer to cut there lawn for a fee.
Just a couple weeks
ya got ya a fat wad biginuff fo dat frogging rig ya been belly achin bout.
And a selection of pretty little frogs with double hooks in them,
Maybe even a frog hook trailer hook tagging along for the ride
Not to mention a weekly source of cash income.
Yes you have to show up on time for next cutting.
Here is a couple starter Rod suggestions.
6' or 6'6" 10lb-20lb
6' 12lb-20lb or 6'6" 12lb-25lb
You'll,eventually want a longer Rod, This short Rod will help to learn casting a bait casting reel.
& it is a handy length to have in tight situations.
Unfortunately the reel has all the moving parts & does all the hard work.
You really need Spend a little money on your Baitcasting reel,
It will outlast your broken rods in the long run.
They come Left & Right Hand retrieve.
Gear ratio, (ratios aren't specific, just examples)
5.1:1 is a good medium ratio for all around.
3.1:1 is for pulling logs in heavy cover.
7.1:1 is for getting fish away from nearby cover & obstacles quickly.
Reel spins 7.1 times around spool for every :1 one turn on handle.
This is one reason why some people have multiple baitcasting rods.
Another reason is to have the water colum covered ie:
Topwater plug, shallow diver plug, deep diver plug & bottom jig,
If your serious plan on spending around $80 upward
Good Luck
Tight Lines