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Classic fly rod found in garage

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#1 Ibroxlad


    Shiner Minnow

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Posted 07 October 2019 - 08:43 PM

I have recently acquired a vintage Browning SilaFlex 5 line fly rod. It hasn't been used in over 20 years, and though it looks great, I'm wary of taking it out in case it cannot handle the action after so many years of sitting idle.


Are there any suggestions on how I can prepare it for use? I won't be going out until next spring, so I have quite a few months to get it back in shape, and at 7' long it is the perfect size for some of the small brook trout streams I like to fish.


All suggestions welcome.



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#2 Rayk



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Posted 19 October 2019 - 08:21 AM

Unless it has any obvious visual defects, I would assume it’s good to go. Check the guides and the tip, ensure they are smooth and have no corrosion. Check the ferrules have a good fit. Take it outside and give it a few casts.
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#3 Ibroxlad


    Shiner Minnow

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Posted 20 October 2019 - 04:22 PM

Unless it has any obvious visual defects, I would assume it’s good to go. Check the guides and the tip, ensure they are smooth and have no corrosion. Check the ferrules have a good fit. Take it outside and give it a few casts.


Looked it over well, and it's in great shape. I was paired with a Pflueger Medalist reel, and it is also in great shape. I'll do a little maintenance over the winter and replace the line and it'll be ready for next year. Can't wait to use it.

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#4 Vimba Vimba

Vimba Vimba


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Posted 16 August 2020 - 10:15 AM

Run the fly line through the guides and check the bend with your hand.  Don't be scared it is only a rod.

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