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Please explain what I saw.

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#1 hz75



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Posted 20 October 2019 - 08:25 PM

I saw three men fishing for Salmon today, they were using spoon.


One of the guy who caught the fish lift it up and other man came with a big plastic bag, probably 6" x 6". 

Then the guy with salmon he bend the salmon by lifting its tail and head up make a U shape while the other guy brought the bag close to the fish.

Right away fish started releasing all the eggs into the plastic bag. They filled the bag and put it beside another 3 bags filled with Salmon eggs already.

Then they released the fish.


I did not understand what the hell they were doing. Have you guys seen anyone doing anything like that before? Is that illegal, besides catching salmon even though the season has ended ?




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#2 Leafnut67



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Posted 20 October 2019 - 08:52 PM

Highly illegal....you should report it when you see that......they have to keep the fish to keep the roe...JERKS!

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#3 Tyler0420



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Posted 21 October 2019 - 06:27 AM

Unless their fishing a closed section of water salmon season is not over but it is illegal what their doing.
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#4 craigsonJ


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Posted 03 February 2020 - 01:57 PM

Highly illegal....you should report it when you see that......they have to keep the fish to keep the roe...JERKS!

Unless their fishing a closed section of water salmon season is not over but it is illegal what their doing.

Please dont share false info if you dont know.

It is 100% legal to milk fish for eggs. The result is that even if you let that fish go then it still counts as your daily posession limit.
So if your limit is one fish and you milk fish and let it go then you have reached your limit.
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#5 Chrome Bullets

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Posted 04 February 2020 - 03:00 AM

CraigsonJ is 100% right....


A milked salmon can be released but does count towards your daily possession limit. They classify salmon differently as they are on a mortal journey to an inevitable death. Each bag of roe (within reason) will count towards your daily possession limit. 5 zippered bags of roe will be a 5 fish equivalent. If it is a garbage bag with eggs, they will weigh it. Talking with an MNR officer they have a projected amount of eggs by weight that the average salmon will produce. I am not sure what that weight is exactly. Lets says its 2lbs and you have a garbage bag with 10lbs of eggs in it. You hold a sportsman license, that 10 lbs of eggs is a 5 fish equivalent. You are at your possession limit. If you had 20lbs of eggs, you would be in some hot water then. This is direct info from an MNR officer...

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