Ontario Greenbelt in Trouble (Atlantic, Steelhead & Brown Trout rivers)

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Dec 7, 2020
Hello All,
Please read and help get the word out! Please repost wherever you think this will help best!
I don't think a lot of people are aware what is going to happen next week with Bill 229 in particular schedule 6 that the current Ontario Government is trying to pass.
Anyone who fishes for Steelhead, Brown Trout & Salmon in the eastern tribs (Pickering area) or the headwaters of one of our Brown trout rivers just to the north west of Toronto needs to be made aware that the Ontario Government is trying to pass Schedule 6 of bill 229 to remove some of the key governing laws to protect our greenbelt. This is so that Walmart can very large build distribution centers and the land can be open to developers in the future.
The 2 areas of land picked out already to build these Walmart centers are located at the Mouth of Duffins Creek and the second is located within the headwaters of the Humber. The government is trying to remove and rezone these greenbelt areas for industrial development use. My apologies for naming rivers however this is too important not to talk about.
People need to call their local MPP this week and let them know that this is not OK. The vote is next week. We need to protect our rivers and the fish that give us so much.
Thank you,
my apologies if my first post is controversial, but I would rather be banned for trying to save my favorite rivers then sit silent.