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Member Since 25 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 24 2020 10:05 AM

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In Topic: Tiny black fish in the Kawarthas, or are they frogs?!

17 June 2014 - 12:48 AM

Ya, without a doubt tadpoles. You won't see bass in very large schools like that. The bass are starting to hatch and will finish soon I'm sure.

Hey Chris, I'm not sure how you know without a doubt that their tadpoles without some sort of photo/video evidence. It could be a number of species that tangerineman noticed.  

And yes Bass fry can be in large schools until they become green and then they disperse from the nest area. This of course depends on temperature/ silting of the redd and predation of eggs.

Here's a good link to a PDF on Smallmouth Bass http://www.mnr.gov.o...prod_095205.pdf


Hey tangerineman here's vid of Smallmouth Bass fry just last week here in Ontario, did they look anything like the fry in the video?


In Topic: pike opener photos

07 June 2014 - 08:15 AM

Hey Pump Congrats


The gill plate grab. You want to take your fingers together and slide them up under the gill plate, careful not to touch the gills themselves and keep your fingers against the inside of the gill plate, you then take your thumb on the outside bottom of the jaw and put pressure with it to your fingers that are in the gill plate, usually ends up being your index finger so your fingers should end up together on the bottom of their jaw. and hold on tight!  always remember to hold those big girls horizontal to support their weight.

I've had 20+ lb's thrash on me but if you have that held tight they aren't going anywhere.  I looked for a photo of mine to show you but my hand is usually hidden for the photos, I have a couple of pics that might help.




And you can do this for almost every species out there.

In Topic: New to O.F.F & Fly fishing

05 June 2014 - 09:54 AM

Welcome to the addiction that is fly fishing!!

In Topic: Fly Fishing Get Together 2.0

02 June 2014 - 10:09 AM

Yeah it was a good time out on the water, sorry for bailing in the afternoon, had to go look after my nephew.  Hope you guys stuck it out for the night bite!

In Topic: rockwood conservation

30 May 2014 - 05:58 AM

Yeah I know the park, used to work there years back. There's some nice trails within the park with some nice lookouts, there's caves at the very back of the park you can explore if your not clausterphobic.
As for the fishing, previous posts are correct. They used to stock it with Rainbows every year and I think still do, they put them in up top near the mill before opener to give them a chance before they seem to make there way down towards the outflow. There's big w.suckers and bass(out of season).
Hope this helps