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Member Since 13 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 14 2014 09:39 AM

Topics I've Started

Baitcasting itmes for sale everything is MINT!

03 September 2008 - 08:49 PM

Quantum tour edition pt 10/10 condition $OLD
Quantum energy pt 10/10 aswell $110

St.Croix premium 6'6" medium heavy 2 piece baitcasting rod rod also mint $OLD
bps bionic blade 7' medium heavy 2 piece $90

Quantum tour edition pt with St.Croix premium 6'6" medium heavy 2 piece rod SOLD
Quantum tour edition pt with bps bionic blade 7' medium heavy 2 piece $200

All items are only about 6 months old and used only 2 or 3 times so everything is in brand new condition.
if interested in anything call me att 647 669 0796. located in toronto.
thanks alot

foldable boat at bps

21 April 2008 - 04:06 PM

i was at bps this past weekend and saw that they have a foldaboat. its 1500 dollars and is abot 10.5ft long wide too. with a good trolling motor that wouldnt be bad especially around the island canals and what not. im sure it would be better then a canoe.

what do you guys think about the fold-a-boat

is there deal at bps rite now???

14 April 2008 - 03:35 PM

like my title says does anyone know if bps os having a sale rite now? and also when is it over? thanx a lot.

good deals

08 April 2008 - 05:31 PM

well guys i just went to lebaron after work and they have some good deals on rods and assorted lure... also i know bps have good deals on now aswell so if you guys have a fishing list now is the time to save some money