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Member Since 21 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 06 2015 04:56 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Ice transducer

04 January 2015 - 12:08 AM

So you didn't read my post, eh? :huh:  :???:

spend the $80 on the bullet,you wont look back

In Topic: Ice transducer

31 December 2014 - 12:41 PM

need a bullet style transducer,the summer type is on an angle,so when you see fish,they are usually off to the side, where they are right under you with a bullet

In Topic: Boxing Day (and pre-boxing day) GoPro's for Sale

22 December 2014 - 04:35 PM

SJ1000 1080P HD Action Camera,hundred bucks,excellent quality cam for price,comes with all eccesories

In Topic: best Fly Combo Travel Kit for under$150?

10 December 2014 - 07:13 PM

i found this combo,very well made for the price,excellent reviews!



In Topic: Anyone ever used " Fish Crisp?"

10 December 2014 - 07:05 PM

nope,its pat burrows..rocky created fish crisp,pat burrows bought company from rocky,took it to a new level,scot davidson was his partner...it was sold,and they did very well on the sale