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Member Since 03 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 03 2008 05:27 PM

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In Topic: Fishing Knots

30 April 2008 - 11:31 PM

I have also seen where for no apparent reason, the snap has popped open and you have to reclose it. If a fish were on, you would have lost the fish.

wow thats interesting.. i've never seen that happen before. usually the snap would be open if you're not aware that you didn't snap it back in place after switching lures.. then that would suck.

In Topic: Fishing Knots

30 April 2008 - 07:11 PM

half blood knot is my choice

Use what you know best, redo often.

I also use a swivel/attachment so I can swap out lures easy. I know some of you will say for finesse fishing can't have that but I'll tell ya why I do that now learned the hard way.

Ever buy a brand new lure put it on take the cast without checking the knot and see the baby go flying. FRIG ^*&$%

Not to mention those days your fingers are froze solid and can barely bend.

Last Tip: When making any knot moisten the line, it helps everything slip into place better and something else I read but can't remember now,

Don't you find that the snap swivel to swap lures is unreliable? It doesn't take much for the clip to not properly hook into place and bingo - you've lost your lure.

i've started using them for the past 2 years i've been fishing. the swivel has never failed me. you have to check every few casts to see if the clip is in place.

In Topic: Spinning Reel Maintanace Guide

30 April 2008 - 02:51 PM

great find

In Topic: How many rod and reel combos do you own?

30 April 2008 - 02:50 PM

I have never broken a rod on a fish either. Sometimes I wonder when I read the rod reviews on Cabelas and Bass Pro whether the people are throwing the rods at the fish to break them LOL. Unless there is a flaw in the rod there should not be a way to break one if you have your drag setup correctly and you know how to properly use the rod so you don't put too much stress on it.

For example take this video below this guy broke an expensive rod in a very stupid way:

now this would never happen with the ugly stick:


LOL! The first video just cracked me up! :oops:

In Topic: So anyone going Piking this weekend?

30 April 2008 - 02:48 PM

[quote name="Jitterbug"]hey isn't pike season opens 2nd sat of may.let me know.thx[/quote]

here's a link to the mnr website. find your zone on the map for the regulations for that region.

http://www.mnr.gov.o... ... 63615.html[/quote]

awesome -- was looking for something like this! thanks