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Member Since 04 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 04 2008 07:08 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Line Dancer?

10 April 2008 - 05:51 AM

Posted Image

Looking forward to try it soon.

In Topic: Line Dancer?

05 April 2008 - 05:14 AM

Has anyone bought it yet?

In Topic: New members, Introduce yourselves here! Welcome Wagon Gifts!

04 April 2008 - 07:32 AM

Hi everyone!

My name is Tery, I'm from France but have been living in Canada for 7 years now. And since the first month, I've been fishing here with eyes wide open and smile never going down! Wow! Love fishing in Canada! The fishing styles are so different and more enjoyable. Don't have the time to take a nap! :? Last year, I bought my first fishing boat! I was so excited about it! But funny stories happenend too! I was wondering if there was a post for that kind of stories!

When I was young, I used to go fishing with my grand father, in very small rivers to catch crappies. That is where it all started!

I sent you a mp, but I'm not sure it did work. So please let me know if not.
( sorry for my bad English... I do my best! Hopefully, you don't hear me!!! :wink: )