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Member Since 06 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 06 2008 10:41 AM

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In Topic: Best BASS Fishing Lakes in Ontario

07 April 2008 - 10:51 AM

Thanks for the info. I tried Rice and Simcoe Lakes already. A little too many people go there.

I will definitely try the other ones.


In Topic: New members, Introduce yourselves here! Welcome Wagon Gifts!

06 April 2008 - 11:19 AM

Hi My name is Asat Voong and I love fishing since I was a kid. I started fishing when I about 8 years old with a bunch of friends from Ottawa. We each bought ourselves a kid's fishing rod set at Canadian Tire. Boy, it was the greatest gift I ever bought for myself. My dad was not a fisherman so my friends and I learned to fish from our own basic skills.
It was not a hard thing to do. Cause we started with worms we dugged from the ground and a hook on the fishing line. Caught lots of sunfish, and some BASS. We were amazed with our catches cause that time these little sunfish realy gave us a fight.....Quite rewarding since we were beginners. Ever since then, I still love to fish. I like to find out new places to fish in Ontario where the BASS and Pickeral are. Maybe Crappie and Pike are fine as well but I love the fight of a BASS. It's good to eat as well. I no longer use worms but Power Baits and Lures. It's a great feeling to finally get a chance to use actual lures and make them work for me. So if anyone knows of any good lakes in Ontario that has good BASS around, please let me know. I have a one year daughter who I will teach to fish cause I will fish till I die.

By the way, my address is 34 Pape Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M4M 2V6.
