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Member Since 10 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 10 2008 12:03 AM

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In Topic: New members, Introduce yourselves here! Welcome Wagon Gifts!

10 April 2008 - 12:13 AM

Hi All:

I was introduced to this forum through RedFlagDeals, although I must confess to being an avid angler. I used to go fishing a lot with my father and brother on the French River, and then a bit on Lake Ontario. I lost interest - due to sports - but my brother and cousin kept on fishing. A few years ago I picked it up again and love it, so much so that I sometimes get 1-2 hours of sleep in the summer just so that we are on the water in time for the morning bite! I like to go for bass and walleye, although any fishing action is fine with me.

I am on another fishing board but am finding the layout of this one much more user friendly.

I look forward to using this site to share tips and fishing spots.
