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Member Since 14 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 14 2008 08:51 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: New members, Introduce yourselves here! Welcome Wagon Gifts!

17 April 2008 - 04:46 PM

Hi everybody:

This is Alexander, and I have been fishing in Southern Ontario for a couple decades now. I do quit a bit a ice fishing, and some boat fishing in the summer time. For the rest of the tiems I usually fish from shore whenever I get the opportunity. Frankly speaking, the GTA and closer inland lakes around us have been over fished, and it is rather difficult to show children the skills and fun within an hour drive these days. It is almost time for the stream trout, and since I live fairly close to Duffins, Bowmanville, Wilmot Creeks I will be wetting my line soon in one of these streams. Hopefully I can be of some contribution to this Forum in the future. Tight lines! :)

In Topic: Catfish season

14 April 2008 - 09:11 PM

I used to fish for them in the Cootes Paradise in Hamilton before they put in the barrack to block out all the carp for reviving the wates there for other fish and plants, but now they seem to disappear with the carp. Channel cats are fun to catch and the ones I pulled from there ranged from 1 to 7 pounds, and we used chicken livers to lure them. Sometimes when we fished for carp with corn the cats were nosey enough to take our bait too. The last time I caught hugh channel cats was in Trenton just below Dam #1 in the middle of the day, which was rather strange to me. I usually fish for them at night during the grave yard shirt time frame. We saw a bunch of them resting on the sides of the banks too, but they did not even bother to smell our offers. I would not mind getting informed for any places close to the GTA for some cat fun again. If any one knows a spot or two please share with me via PM, thanks!

In Topic: Register to OFF, GET FREE GIFTS! (Limited time offer)

14 April 2008 - 08:58 PM

Hi all,

My name is Alexander, and I have been fishing in Ontario for the last 20 some years pretty much for most of the species available in Ontario, except may be for Sturgeon. :mrgreen: I frequent at two other fishing forums quite often, and I shall try my best to make my input here useful in the future.