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Member Since 18 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Oct 31 2011 11:49 AM

Topics I've Started


20 September 2011 - 02:54 PM

Has anyone been catching Gobi's in the Grand. A week ago I caught 3 and last night another. These were caught just a mile or two downstream from the Shand Dam. I've been fishing that stretch for over 50 years and never seen one before. It's my understanding (correct me if I'm wrong) they differ from sculpins in that gobi's have a suction cup on their bellys. It's disconcerting that in my last 4 trips to that spot (I go there an avg. of once per week) I have caught no trout and have not seen any other fishermen catch any either.
I know there's a theory that they won't hurt the trout fishing in the Grand because the spawning program has been a failure and that all, or mostly all of the trout are stocked or they wouldn't be there. Therefore the gobi's will not hurt the trout population by eating their eggs. However, they are supplying a huge source of food to the trout. If this theory is correct we should have larger trout but they will be much harder to catch as they have plenty of gobi' to eat.
If they are gobi's they have infested that stretch as you can see them scyrrying around as you walk. They are also notorious for stripping the worms off hooks. I now have to take 2 dozen worms instead of one dozen and I am catching no trout at all. I am very concerned about them decimating the eggs of other fish such as bass, pike, and the burgeoning walleye fishery that seems to be developing downstream in the Elora to Kitchener stretch.
Has anyone else experienced this?