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Member Since 22 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 22 2008 12:14 PM

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In Topic: New members, Introduce yourselves here! Welcome Wagon Gifts!

22 April 2008 - 12:36 PM

I am new to Canada but not so new as I was landed during the month of July 2005. Before coming to Canada, I had read that the country is surrounded by lakes and rivers and a lot and variety of finshes are there. I love fishing since my childhood as I used to go for fishing with my dad.
Is some one can help by suggesting me where in Toronto or around I can go for fishing using the TTC as I don't drive at present.
I have found about this site while I was searching Craig's list.

If you are new to the site, make your first post here and tell us a little about yourself, what you enjoy fishing for etc... Also, please be sure to mention how you found out about us.

After you have introduced yourself, shoot me a PM with your full mailing address and I'll send you an OFF welcome wagon gift!

Welcome to the site!

