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Member Since 02 Jul 2008
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#332195 Leader, Shot Line, and Float Rigging Question

Posted by jc53 on 09 April 2016 - 10:08 PM

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#295324 Winter Gear questions

Posted by jc53 on 22 November 2013 - 02:55 PM

These would probably be a smarter purchase




They even have a pocket to add handwarmers for those extra cold days ;)


I have those but in the finger design. Tips of my fingers get frostbitten everytime out. The heat pack built into the gloves are great also. On the really cold days I wear a liner glove under.

I think they have these at Sail

Never dip my hands in the ice water and I always carry a net.

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#291410 Atlantic Salmon Identification

Posted by jc53 on 18 October 2013 - 06:44 PM

float, how did you manage to get so many ? im sure your not targeting them but just wondering

If you put in as much time time as FD does you are bound to run into them.
They run in the tribs with the rest of them
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#235265 Elite membership fishing day?!

Posted by jc53 on 22 August 2012 - 06:12 PM

I know this topic was going to cause some issues as soon as I saw Elite (was Eltitist) members in the tltle.

I spend more that double on my bass gear and why not if I can

Over and out.
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#217767 How long after a big rain storm?

Posted by jc53 on 20 October 2011 - 12:05 PM

So much rain it will take quite a while. I have never seen it like this before

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#216142 100% Guaranteed Salmon

Posted by jc53 on 19 September 2011 - 06:09 PM

I usually get a fish on every drift because I am a very experienced angler. I am very experienced because I am fortunate to spend a lot of time fishing. than 10 minutes on 6lb line. My guiding service, on average, will be around 2 to 3 couple of hours.

Wow a fish on every drift. I would make bets u don't
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#208603 Speaking of chumming...

Posted by jc53 on 19 November 2010 - 11:14 PM

I searched online but couldn't find any references to the actual TV episode. While searching, I did however find plenty of references to guys in the southern US using partially inflated balloons to float minnows for bass.

I'll see if I can find anything about chumming with live minnows for bass.

Those are probably not minnows but shiners. Shiners are at least 6 - 8" long are used under a balloon to catch the big boys.
I when I was down there many moons ago I used to fish with my cousin that way. U could tell when a big bass was around cause the balloon with the shiner was moving @ like crazy.
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#207133 Bass fishing help needed

Posted by jc53 on 26 October 2010 - 06:12 PM

Cannot beat the senko's wacky style specially the Yama
Spinning reel for my son, circle hooks and braid.

Posted Image
3lbs even on the digital scale.

I use a baitcaster, Shimano Scorpion XT1000 and St. Croix rod. 20 lb braid with 15 lb flouro leader. Also use circle hooks 2/0, 99% of the time in the corner of the mouth.
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