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free reign

Member Since 27 Jul 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 02 2014 07:31 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: How to Push Someone out of a Hole

01 November 2014 - 11:26 AM

The best part is catching a fish somewhere else and the same ass

go to your spot again. people have balls and no respect. 


ask would you like something, Do you own the river they said.

I,ve seen people get punched in the face literally and then wonder why or i seen one guy thrown in the river

I also know alot of fisherman who wont go to certain rivers due to asses

In Topic: Looking for clarification on a big west trib river

20 October 2014 - 11:08 PM

Like the dude who wanted to fight me over a spot he was not in but thought he would tell me it was his.


I called him a punk.

Hey bud if you read this you are not a man> youre a punk


Might be time for MNR to pay a visit and the police for the inebriated heros driving

Come getcha some > punk

In Topic: Happy but DISGUSTED

20 October 2014 - 11:03 PM

Using a net is poaching. As usual, where's the ministry of no resources? I've heard the no English line before too, ask if he can swim, if things go sideways call the police.Funny how they find out where the rivers are, know about salmon& roe etc. Probably read all about it here. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. The problem is the G.T.A.- Gone. Totally. A**hole. An influx of far too many who don't respect the values and principles that Canada was built on, a western democracy. the common good is replaced by everything now for me and darn everything and everyone who gets in the way of the former have- nots who trample everything dear to us in their stampede to a better life in paradise. Oh but I digress, and my opinion makes me a bigot I suppose, oh well or at best just another whining bitter Canadian betrayed by my government as we see things slipping away a little more all the time until the Canada I grew up in becomes unrecognizable. Focker out

The corruption in government breeds dishonesty in society , destroying our values as Canadian

In Topic: Putting the 'sport' back into 'sportfishing'

14 October 2014 - 03:28 PM

Do people realize the amount of chemical pollution in these fish and the effects on themselves.

I myself will never eat a fish out of lake O or tributaries.. My 2 cents aside from the bare hook deal gong show

Good to see the poilce out at some tribs this year also

In Topic: Salmon run 2014 pics!

13 October 2014 - 09:34 PM

Well I got back from the East Tribs late last night. I was down there arriving Thrusday near midnight and fished for the better part of the time, minus a nap Friday.


Landed 3 and lost a few more. I stopped keeping track.


The first was a Chinny Hen on the Beads from SteelheadBeads.com and some Brown Roe from Mike at Fishheads.  Wasn't as big of a fight as I hoped but hey.. They're the swimming dead.


Cherry popped on the pin





Moved onto another Trib after a since all I could see was Sammies.

Some one pulled out this monstrosity I could not take a pic.





Same place, I met a few guys, Tyler, Jessie and Paul. Tyler and I both hooked onto a Coho so we were both pulling it in at the same time. He's a lurker on the forums but will be joining up.. So Tyler.. lets see it.




Nice looking coho





The next day BuzzKill joined me here. Not a whole lot of action there. Its nice to meet members of the forums.


Saturday my last day, I made my way further west in the East Tribs.


I ran into Fishing89 and we fished for a bit. Water was crystal clear and the fish were spooked. I got the tour of the creek and then we parted ways.  As I was making my way back I hook onto this little fattie.




Can't compare how they fight to the boots.


Lots of fun. Now im back to work next week after 10 weeks off..

Yo nice fish bro, a brute