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Member Since 23 Oct 2008
Offline Last Active Oct 23 2008 11:21 PM

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Re: Wilmot Club

03 March 2009 - 10:59 AM

I have to ask, with regards to this fishing club that charges $400 per year to fish a 3/4 mile section....could you not simply wade the river all the way along? I understand that they offer their members a trout pond, camping, picnic area, etc. What is the legality of saying "We own this stretch of river, stay out!"

I have looked on google earth at it and you could simply park on any of the roads and step into the river. Or Kayak/float it from the upper parts south.

They make it sound as if you can not fish many places on this river as they are 'posted', quote,'Northern sections are all mostly posted except for a quarter mile section called the Thurn Park Conservation Area'

Whats the deal with this? I know there is a great deal more to fish then this section but I have to ask. Thanks for any info!