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Member Since 15 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 17 2013 11:55 AM

Topics I've Started

The "Steelhead and Salmon" fishing forum pic

15 October 2011 - 11:48 AM

Getting tired of seeing the same pic (nice fish though!!) can this be replaced with a new one? I'm sure members would want to share/nominate their steelie pics!!!

Going through Steelie withdrawal

14 October 2011 - 11:22 AM

Hi Everyone, currently going through steelie withdrawal - I can't get out as often as I used to so i definately can't get my fix from the cooler waters of the northern tribs. I'm stuck to wait for a decent run of eastern trib steelies. I know some are in but not in numbers - but i'm hoping the rain we've been getting change that.

Anyone do any night fishing for steelies in the eastern tribs - (any tips?) i don't get to do as much day fishing so sometimes i have to resort to the evening!! :( sigh

Fishing near Stouffville

21 August 2011 - 11:17 PM

Hi everyone, I just moved to Stouffville and have yet to find decent fishing grounds within a 20 mins drive. I've tried Stouffville reservoir and it wasn't really that good and access points were tough to find. Not into Burd's fishing because i'm not into pay to fish ponds. Even some consistent crappie / panfish action nearby would be great especially since I have 2 little boys. Any help would be awesome!!

East trib conditions (after this rain)

25 April 2011 - 09:15 PM

Wanted to head out in the next few days but not sure whether the rivers will be blown or not. Was hoping someone had a report on what the conditions of the rivers were today for these following creeks:


Help would be appreciated!

Fishing salmon Skein for bows

17 April 2011 - 10:32 PM

Anyone ever use skein for spring steelies? Was wondering whether it noticeably produced better than regular roe.