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Member Since 05 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Mar 05 2009 04:51 AM

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In Topic: credit river

26 July 2009 - 02:29 AM

yeah this summer is supposed to be hot in august

Whered u hear this from :) ?

In Topic: Mississauga Pond Maps

19 July 2009 - 03:00 AM

Checked out pond 149 about a month ago. didn't bring my fishing gear as i was only on a lunch break and decided to take a walk through the park... nice place!
LOTS of people fishing.
What I saw caught were carp, sunfish, rockbass and lots of baby catfish.
I did see lots of litter on the shoreline including packaging for glow sticks meaning people have been fishing here at night most likely for crappie.

There are probably some bass lurking in there too, but this place probably gets hammered daily so little chance of getting into numbers or quality fish.

Ye there are atleast 5 ppl fishing everytime ive hit it up , havent caught anything big yet , but i might be fishing on the wrong side :mrgreen: haha , or i should try lure fishing ?

In Topic: Mississauga Pond Maps

25 May 2009 - 02:38 AM

Posted Image

i fished in this pond in mississauga, its full of bass.
its on mississauga rd north of derry road.

i know where this pond is but where would you suggest i park?

i wanna know where to park to XD

In Topic: Mississauga Pond Maps

25 April 2009 - 07:39 PM

Alright well i went back about a week ago didnt catch anything but i saw either 2 carp jumping in the water or to largemouth bass not sure which plus a guy beside me caught something but he threw it back before i could look..

A neighbor also fished there he said he caught 2 large mouth bass but threw them back he was using good ol worms ..

In Topic: Mississauga Pond Maps

16 April 2009 - 01:12 AM

Man, this sucks. It is confirmed by the city of toronto that pond 149 at Centennial Park contains lots of panfish and largemouth bass, however fishing is NOT PERMITTED.

I work 3 minutes from there :mrgreen:

My brother went there when he was younger and caught alot of catfish ...

I went there last summer because its just a short bike ride away and caught a couple Sunfish and saw some other guys that seem like they go there everyday catch a couple big fish but dont know what kind..

My brother saw a baby catfish on the ground still breathing and threw it back..

Ppl who where fishing there before must of caught it and left it there to die :(

Also i went there on good Friday last weekend and saw a couple new signs but they just said to Ice skating so Ill probably be going there this year at times....

Could i put this in the reports section LOL :lol: