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Member Since 20 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 20 2009 11:16 PM

Topics I've Started

Do people actually eat out of the Humber?

24 April 2009 - 01:34 AM

I know there's ministry guidelines indicating it's okay, but do people actually eat trout out of the Humber near Old Mill without consequence?

I'm sorry if it's a silly question but it's just that 'dirty river fish' are so stigmatized I wanted to just check first hand haha!

Fishing the Humber/Credit

20 April 2009 - 11:33 PM

Hi guys... I've lived in Mississauga all my life and I've always wanted to fish the local rivers -- the Humber and Credit. I think I'm going to have some time to do that now as I finish first year of University.

I think the Humber is a bit more accessible to me in terms of public transportation. I was thinking of going down to around Old Mill and fishing a spinning rod from shore (which is really all I can do with my equipment right now...). I was thinking of fishing a combination of salmon eggs, spinners/spoons and maybe some canned corn. I know some people might consider the corn 'cheap' but I know rainbows usually devour it and I'd just like to get familar with the waterway for now.

So, do you guys think I'm likely to catch some nice fish around that area using this approach?
