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Bass Man

Member Since 12 Jul 2009
Offline Last Active Dec 25 2014 12:17 PM

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Fishing Marina's of a boat, is it permitted or is it private property?

27 August 2013 - 12:15 AM

Hi Guys,


Does anyone know if fishing on a boat at any Marina on a lake (Not a Private lake) is allowed or is it considered private property?


Some Marinas do allow you to fish the docks however many a times some of them keep trying to chase you out saying the Marina is private and no fishing is allowed even though the marina is situated on a public lake with no signs around the marina saying "No fishing". There were times when I have argued with the follks that the water is public, so as long as I am fishing out of a boat, I should be allowed to fish. However i have had Marine clerks say that the city does not permit fishing within the marina even though its public waters. 


So my question is, are we allowed to fish marinas if there are no signs or can anyone confirm where i find info related to fishing marinas?

