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Member Since 21 Oct 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 21 2009 12:01 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Gold Islander (float reel) - ON HOLD!!

05 November 2009 - 10:54 AM

HI GUYS, Thanks for all the interest shown. I honestly didn't realize that it would be so hard to find the "right" new owner for this reel. So many nice ppl contacted me and it was really way to hard just to say no to everyone, so i've decided to retract my offer currently. This may indeed be parting remorse I'm feeling.

Because of this, i'm gonna have to have to say that the highest bidder can have it (so far 200 is tops), and that will include neoprene case, new wooden handles actually being delivered to me from Islander in Vancouver island, and off course the intangible memories that will live on for an eternity, or until the reel get run over by a car or stolen!

In Topic: My new toy

05 November 2009 - 10:39 AM

Actually I love the fenwick and it's more affordable isn't it? I just think it looks prettier, hence it would be a nice match with the prettiest of all reels (and such a reel at it too!).

Frozefire: congrats on the reel.. are those pics you took of it? If so, what settings where u using and are u using an slr?

In Topic: Bowmanville steelie

26 October 2009 - 06:23 PM

Just uploaded pics from the cliff hole at Bville from Oct 4 of last year ('08 season)!! Brings back memories of chrome steelies!! Also got one pic of a fat chinnie trying to make his way upstream!!

In Topic: Why can't I view other forums?

22 October 2009 - 12:10 AM

I already got approved for my first fishing report. This bites!! THe admin(s) don't even respond to my inquiry regarding this!!