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Member Since 15 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active Apr 02 2015 02:40 PM

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In Topic: slush conditions on Lake Joseph

07 March 2013 - 04:10 PM

cool thanks going to give it another go on Saturday maybe somewhere up there, supposed to be a great day weather wise :)  going to go up to the far north end of Lake Joseph, try somewhere new.

In Topic: slush conditions on Lake Joseph

19 February 2013 - 03:00 PM

got out today and not fun at all still 5 or 6 inch of water on the ice covered with 12inch of snow. got My little hut out 300 feet before I had enough. I was driving a Polaris Ranger 500 and I got high centered in teh 2nd slush hole. my cousins got out to the second point about 1.5 miles out but it took them 2 hours. with 2 MXZ sleds and my cousins 1000CC artic cat 4x4 ATV but it has 14 inch of clearance. oh also an ATV with tracks was there as well. But Any normal ATV or UTV was not going anywhere, I could see 4 that must of went out at first light this morning TRYING to get back in. most where not happy trying to get back to shore.

If we get some cold nights it will stiffen up but as of now its a sh** show out there.

there is good 8 to 10 inch of ice under then slush, so If anyone is planning a trip up in teh next few days, its SLEDS or walking out unless your ATV has Tracks.

Oh and I fished from 130 till 345 today in 50ish FOW, had 2 hits and caught one 16 or 17 inch fish, let it go. all on a white bodied and pink heads Buck-tail jig tipped with some minnow head or tail.

Yes I got out on Friday then on Sunday again, was Friday ever a mess, I ended up two times in the day helping out a guy in a beast of an argo, nice guy, trying to help out people get out onto the ice to fish, but he even got stuck in slush, which he hadn't done in the 8 years he said going out in that. We got a group of us to help him push that thing out of the deep slush pockets he got into, good workout let me tell you lol. Fishing was ok, a little better on Sunday, and walking was better Sunday.

In Topic: Lake Simcoe Orilla and Atherley area perch

22 January 2013 - 02:57 PM

Think you can go out off the end of Courtland street and get out to reasonably deep water fairly quickly even walking I believe. It should also be well enough away from the narrows :)

In Topic: Rosseau ice conditions

22 January 2013 - 02:54 PM

I was by last Wednesday and things were still iffy. However spoke to a buddy that was out in the area fishing on Sunday. Sounds like it is good to go. He was walking so I'm not sure about machines or huts. I'm going out tomorrow in that area so I'll give you an update...........

thanks so much J'snest, that is great to hear, yes just me and my uncle on Saturday and we don't have machines or anything just walkers. Very glad to hear the cold weather tightening everything up. Do you ever get by Windermere, if so do you know how it is looking too?

In Topic: Fowlers Pond outside woodstock

25 April 2012 - 09:30 AM

I know Park Haven lake is pretty decent for smallies right near there, but never went to Fowlers Pond. Is there public access to Fowlers?