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Member Since 14 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active Mar 14 2010 01:06 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Lake Simcoe, Ontario Georgian Bay Marine Weather

05 May 2010 - 08:48 PM

Not sure if any members are familiar with this site - but here it goes.

http://www.weatherof... ... l?mapID=10

I find it to be reasonable and fairly accurate. Use the reports with a 3rd eye open................lol


In Topic: Have to start somewhere... and this looks like a fine place.

05 May 2010 - 08:40 PM

Welcome................. from a recent Newbie. Hey at least you've started on the fishermans journey - which is never look back.......lol............especially at the $$$ your going to spend.

Try this site for various tricks and techniques. (If I had a choice of anyone in the world I would fish with - he would be the "man" - Gary Roach)

Read the in depth articles - check out the various Rods - Not schilling for him or the site - but this guy is a legend. You will get an idea for rod matchup by reading the articles.



In Topic: Some helpful advice please.

04 May 2010 - 02:11 PM

Hey Chris,
Are we talking - Lake Trout. If so Lake Simcoe is close by for you. Whitefish and Trout open this weekend. How big is your boat? For Simcoe - that's kinda important!
PM me and I'll give ya some general spots to try.


In Topic: Illegal Fishing

30 April 2010 - 07:26 AM

My Apologies to 416angler for NOT shading his post, then replying. Old age is setting in...............


In Topic: Illegal Fishing

30 April 2010 - 07:23 AM

That could very easily lead to racial profiling. Given the fact that people on this board have already made racist comments and have been rebuked by other members, what's to stop them from just posting anyone's pic. Besides, what happens even if you think you recognize someone from a posted picture? Are you going to lean over and look into their bucket? They don't have to show you anything unless you are an officer. Everyone else will start suspecting them of something they might not have done. How will the targeted individuals feel if they are not poaching? Besides, someone who has poached before might not poach again if it's explained to them.

Why do you need someone's pic to call MNR anyways? If you suspect poaching, you call MNR. Let them check everyone's bucket.

Another thing to consider. Remember last year when a good samaratan was chased down and beaten unconcscious because he tried sticking up for a group of asian anglers who were about to be thrown into the lake by idiots? Would you claim responsibility if some moron decided to take vigilante justice after seeing the pic you posted?

Lots of things to think about...we all want to protect our lakes and our sport but we don't want people to get hurt or worse...

...............exactly. Leave the policing to the authorities. Why risk potential personal injury.

A possible answer IMO -
We need Larger Fines (ever travel in the US where littering - really littering - could bring $5000.00 in fines) Money out of anyones pocket hurts them. Think about it - How do you feel after paying a parking ticket? How about $1000.00 for each and every fish - minimum, loss of equipment, possible loss of one's vehicle etc etc etc and or jail.
Oh, and tack on a Criminal Record for life to boot!
Who knows for sure, but a sign at Lake Wilcox spelling out the Fine may have acted as a deterent.
Yes, I'm fosturing some inside anger. We have a fragile fishery - know that!
And while I'm at this Rant include Sizing in the Regulations - i.e. no fish shall be harvested under........8" for example. Very easily done, if those who write the laws were to wake up and take notice of what's happening.
