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Broken Bobber

Member Since 26 May 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 13 2012 10:41 AM

Topics I've Started

Fishing line for Texas Rigs

09 August 2012 - 11:49 AM

Can anyone tell me the best line to use for Texas rigs to pull through heavy weeds?

Any help would be great...


Rice lake fishing

27 July 2012 - 11:26 AM

I posted this on the welcome forum yesterday by mistake, sorry about that. Was wondering if anyone could recommend a good lodge that rents great boats (prefer a boat without the side console).
Going up between August 11 - 18.

Any lodge worth staying at.
And what would be biting best during this time on Rice Lake?

Thanks in advance for your help!

I'm from Toronto.


Rice Lake fishing

27 July 2012 - 06:18 AM

Can anyone recommend a good fishing lodge with good boats on Rice Lake? Want to go in a couple of weeks.

Rice lake fishing

26 July 2012 - 08:23 PM

Can anyone recommend a good fishing lodge near good fishing spots on Rice Lake? Me and a bud want to go there for a 3 day visit. Need to rent a good 16ft boat/motor at lodge also. I Have operators card.
Any help would be great!!!
Plan on going within next 3 weeks.
