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Member Since 22 Jun 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 30 2011 07:01 PM

Topics I've Started

Fishing/picnic north of Mississauga

27 July 2011 - 09:34 AM

Hey all,

I am hoping to get out for a day picnic with my wife, son and dogs. We are looking for a non public area so we can let the dogs roam hopefully and a lake. I want to try and find a spot to fish away the day. Looking north of Mississauga mainly. Anyone recommend any spots worth while in that description?


Kinda new to Fishing

21 March 2011 - 09:37 AM

Hey all,

So I have fished very lazily (basic fishing couple times a year). This year with my new dog I want to get out more just to spend some time outdoors for the both of us while fishing more.

I have dones some reading about some local places I am going to check out but I have an inquiry about one specific place, Fairy Lake.

What kind of fish are in there? For the spring, what would be the best type to target? Any special equipment that is a must have (I have two bsic rods right now, one medium action and one jig fast action). I have a basic bait box but I hae 100 bucks to spend on some gear (happy bday to me!)

Any recomendations and or help is greatly appreciated.
