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Member Since 11 Jul 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 17 2019 04:28 PM

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No fish in the Otonabee River from Peterborough to Lakefield

17 July 2019 - 04:24 PM

I haven't been on this forum for awhile but I wanted to ask some questions about the Otonabee River. 


I've been fishing in the Peterborough area for the last few years and though I have had my share of success in Little Lake in the heart of Peterborough (smallies, suckers, pumpkinseed, and even carp) I have caught NOTHING in the river system from Peterborough and Lakefield and I have tried everything (jigs, crankbaits, spinners, worms, etc.). It's like the river system between the two towns is completely dead.


Is everyone else here who have fished in the Otonabee River north of Peterborough also have the same struggles fishing?