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Member Since 14 Jul 2010
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#255237 Stringers and Catch and Keep POLICY PLEASE

Posted by FrankTheRabbit on 30 December 2012 - 06:31 PM

Ok really??? I've been reading this and really am astounded. Yes I know I'm new to this forum, yes I know I'm new to going after Trout..but I can tell you without a doubt, that the first 2 fish I ever manage to catch are coming home with me! Stringer or sittting in the snow...they are homeward bound and destined for my plate! Anything after that..back they go..but really..if it's legal..who gives a rats a$$ if it's on a stringer and headed for a plate? C'mon now people, we are not talking about 'white bucket' people here, but people that want to show off their fish and be proud of what they managed to accomplish! I can tell you that *if* I finally manage to land a Rainbow I'm going to be proud as heck and would love to show it off! If someone jacks me for having it on a stringer?.....bring it....I've been fishing a long time and always try and look to the future when it comes to catch and release..but honestly...if I'm within the law, and it's coming to my table...who the heck is anyone to gainsay my decision? Nobody...plain and simple. You may not know me, and I may not know you..but as long as we all look out for the sport then it's all good!


Sure, keep your 2 trout limit and C & R for the rest of the day. The question is, what will happen if you hook into a fish that inhaled your bait, bleeding from the gills, and goes belly up when you try to release them back to the water? Or maybe you played the fish out too long and the fish isn't reviving properly? Not saying that you are, but if you are using trout roe from a previous catch and have two trout on a stringer, you're already over your limit.

Like you said, you're a noob to trout fishing and wouldn't want you to be explaining to a MNR officer why you're over your limit. Sometimes, it's better to be humble than be a show off.
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#246724 Can I ask why Blair is banned?

Posted by FrankTheRabbit on 29 October 2012 - 05:16 PM

So are you saying ChaseChrome and other great members of this site are not a good members just cause they've been banned from other forums? Please elaborate for me. Thanks.

I wasn't aware when/where/why ChaseCrhome was banned and it's not my business.

As tough as it is for you to believe, I'm just saying the truth, along with what other people have said. When Blair was caught yanking steelies in closed trout waters, some of us called him out on it and the Blair supporters were in disbelief and didn't want to accept it giving him the benefit of the doubt. Even after he posted his apology of what he did, the same Blair supporters were still in denial that what he was doing was ethically wrong.

Even now, you have seen first hand of how much of a looney bin this guy is making threats and going off like a rabbid animal and there are people who still vouch for him. Seriously? lol

It isn't the first time or second time or even a third time, it's a re-occurring event.

My own conclusion: Blair doesn't belong here, he belongs in CAMH.
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#246696 Can I ask why Blair is banned?

Posted by FrankTheRabbit on 29 October 2012 - 03:23 PM

A bunch of guys on the forum ganged up on Blair, and started getting underneath his skin, like children (see above posts re: hugging fish - obviously Blair wasn't advocating hugging all of your fish). Blair got pissed and two people ended up getting banned, including Blair. The mods have to do their best to keep everyone happy and to abide by the rules, they are volunteering their time and ultimately I think a 30 day "cooling off period" isn't really a ban, they're just doing their best to keep everything running smoothly, which it wasn't anymore so obviously they had to take some action. Hopefully Blair comes back, and in the future the agitators should get disciplined, not the one who is being agitated. I've never seen Blair trying to get underneath anyone's skin, he's usually the first to welcome noobies and offer advice. You don't have to agree with him or be his buddy, but there should be zero tolerance on this forum for immature flaming and agitation of a member, especially one with decades of fishing experience all over North America.

Blair has had his share of "no-nos" on this forum that should have gotten him banned ages ago. Fishing closed waters, using other people's fish to take photos and claiming to be his own, naming a specific group called "the trout mafia", etc. He's definitely not the saint that people make him out to be. RiverNinja did what he had to do and newbs being newbs, were just following Blair's words as if he was a fishing god.

He's had other blowups at other members as well to the point where he starts to delete his posts. If the posts were not harmful, why would he go back and delete his posts? He's a loose canon at best and people need to think for themselves and not rely on people like Blair. As many of you know, he's been banned on other fishing forums as well, so conclude for yourselves.
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#241540 Snagging intentionally...

Posted by FrankTheRabbit on 27 September 2012 - 12:08 AM

OMG.... come on.
How "MANY" salmon did they catch.....

Seriously man i didnt think this site has turned into the BIGGEST PETA FEAST in the world! (No offence meant).

They are catching fish for FOOD!

OMG.... how do you think WE EAT? SERIOUSLY....... Holy cow man, has EVERYONE put the BLINDERS ON as to WHERE and HOW we get our FOOD?


You know, I will just stay out of these conversations.

The HYPOCRACY and RELEVANCE .... I dont know "Misdirected" outlooks at our "WOES of the WORLD"..... (Some Natives Catching fish for food)

WAKE UP.... *SMILES* and BREATH some of the REAL WORLD.


Maybe we should try and upload a video of someone "Trying to Fish in Syria" right now *SMILES* That would be funny

ps: I forgot this was a FISHING FORUM! My bad


What are you trying to say, really? lol You call out CJR and then say, you were not calling him out. And then you insult this site as being a PETA Feast and then say, "No offense meant"

Blair, WTF are you trying to say???

I mean, how can you say something rude/offensive and not mean it afterwards? Do I call you a loogan and then say, "no offense meant"? lol
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#236269 Salmon Run

Posted by FrankTheRabbit on 27 August 2012 - 09:58 PM

Nope, no fish at all. Better to be indoors with a cold beer in your hand.
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#221084 This forum sucks...

Posted by FrankTheRabbit on 08 December 2011 - 11:19 PM

It's the fact that these forums lack censorship and it seems to be the norm here to be posting spots with full backgrounds and names of tribs to be freely viewed.

We did have a private reports section back in the day where those types of posts belong, but now everything is out in the open, it's a completely different ball game.

The stats speak for themselves. In the past 120 minutes 26 registered users 58 total, meaning 38 are still lurkers, translates to 66%. I hate to use another forum for example, but looking at FF.net right now, they have 8 registered users out of 9 visitors on that site. The reason being, lurkers/poachers/snaggers know better than to snoop there for info. Why? Because they sure as hell know better.

We know for a fact that lurkers/poachers/snaggers snoop these forums for the info we post, so why give that to them to begin with? Why can't some of you be a bit more precarious instead of being naive? You preach about being a conservationist and practicing catch & release, but you contradict that notion by freely posting that info for all to see.

Call it censorship or whatever you want, but I'm sure many people will agree that Willy was a hidden gem until Italo & Henry did a show there and look what it has become. If there's anything to be learned from this is that history can and will repeat itself.

PS: Why do you think everybody vilified Pedro so much last year? The stuff he put up on the public forums was just incredible, until FINALLY, it was locked up, but the damage had been done.
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#220929 This forum sucks...

Posted by FrankTheRabbit on 07 December 2011 - 12:15 PM

As quoted on another forum by NADO on his opinions of fishing PRIVATE PROPERTY:

Originally posted by NADO
Ya i knew i shouldnt have stated my opinion so boldly, especially with my first few posts on the forum lol. If your friend is putting up signs to keep people off a riverbed then i dont even feel bad for him replacing them because i dont agree with his right to put them up in the first place.

On the other hand if it is just to keep people off his property then it is definately wrong for people to be tearing them down and in that case i do feel bad for him.

I hate people who trespass and litter just as much as the next guy.

Sure i would probably have a different opinion if I owned a stretch of prime steelheading water....that however doesnt mean my opinion would be right.

One of many replies offended by NADO's opinion:

Others here have been kind in their subtle and gentle responses to your provocative posting. Frankly, your convoluted and contradictory "opinions" are moot. It is your beahviour with landowners that should be of concern.

If you are truly acting as you have stated you do, then you are causing and/or contributing to a problem for the rest of us. Everytime some joker with a fishing rod disrespects a landowner and/or causes property damage, it makes it that much more difficult for serious and respectful anglers to gain access. I have lived in Grey/Bruce my entire life and I have seen the opportunities to fish in water adjacant to non-posted land continue to dwindle. That is happening precisely because of people who speak and behave as you do.

Why not try and imagine how you would prefer to have the situation dealt with if you were a landowner - your last post appears to acknowledge that you are capable of that - and then go and initiate a polite and respectful conversation with a landowner about access? You might find it to be more fruitful and less work than ripping down signs (regardless of what your opinion on the law of private property may be).

When an angler shows no respect for someone's private property and feels it's their own right to trespass and even go as far as taking down their sign, I simply have ZERO respect for someone like that. If you were the landowner and some yahoo comes along and starts tearing down your signs, because they feel it's their right, you'd be cheesed too. Consequently, he's been trying to hide his tracks by deleting his posts. Fortunately, the truth is still out there. You've really shown the type of fisherman you are.
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#220847 This forum sucks...

Posted by FrankTheRabbit on 06 December 2011 - 11:54 AM

you GTA guys are wayoff base the snaggers are everywhere if they arent snagging creek x then they'll be snagging creek y..... LISCENCETOPIN you really think the slaughthouse is some kind of secret LMFAO this creek gets more pressure than a chair with Opera sitting on it

Do I need to tell everyone that the friend who brought you to that location bitched you out for posting the photo and naming the trib? Oops, I guess I let the cat out of the bag.

If I were your friend, I'd ex-communicate you quicker than Oprah can find a box of chocolate. Someone brings you to a location to fish with low fishing pressure and you just ruin it by posting it up. That is really reckless. Posting pics of a location of private property, again with full background in plain view, is just stupid. I'm sure the land owner of that stretch of water really appreciates that.

Just stay at the CNR pool where you can make friends with snaggers and poachers, seems like you don't really care anyways.
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#220741 River Conditions

Posted by FrankTheRabbit on 05 December 2011 - 12:46 AM

The lower part of the Notty is up about 2 ft over the past 2 days and about 4 ft above what it was before we had the big rain. It will take a while before it's fishable.

Anyone else care to comment on a stream near you?

With so much rain, all the fish have swam up to spawn in the closed sections of the tribs. The water levels will only keep getting high and dirty.

It was a great season, but it's time to stay home and wait for some good ice fishing.
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#220740 This forum sucks...

Posted by FrankTheRabbit on 05 December 2011 - 12:29 AM

this thread is not pointless but its turning ugly very fast.


It's an important thing to discuss and educate, but it's sucks when people are too stubborn to listen. It's cool to post pics, but posting pics with a full background of a trib and naming the river is a complete lack of regard that EVERYONE can see it. People don't even have to register and contribute to this site. They can just view open free posts and ruin it for the rest of us.

Again, how is that beneficial in educating a new angler? What have they really learned after reading posts like that? Ultimately it benefits the snaggers/poachers and the respectful anglers get the short end of the stick.
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#220738 This forum sucks...

Posted by FrankTheRabbit on 05 December 2011 - 12:15 AM

For posting pics that reveal obvious locations - I agree that blurring backgrounds is a good idea, given the fishing pressure it could add.

Georgianbaydrifter seems like a conservation minded angler, I have only seen him keep one fish. I'm sure if asked he will blur out the background of his photos. Just upload them to photobucket or a similar service and use their edit function.

I've mentioned that to him via PM, but it's still there floating around in the open view of cyberspace.

Nado, you're a tard. I've seen you on another forum, but you haven't logged in for a while. Is it because nobody is spoon feeding you locations to fish? Maybe no one's answering your thread about water clarity? Hah.

You can -1 me if it makes you feel better. Lol.

Regarding naming spots and posting plain in view locations is just stupid. Not every trib can handle the massacre at the Willy pool. Those of you think you're helping the beginner fisherman are really naive. What L2P mentioned about 10 registered users to 70 in total users viewing this site is very alarming!

You're not helping the cause of conserving our fisheries.
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#216932 credit on fire

Posted by FrankTheRabbit on 03 October 2011 - 05:22 PM

Where's Princess Toad Stool?
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#216931 Top SECRET POOL

Posted by FrankTheRabbit on 03 October 2011 - 05:15 PM

How's the water visibility there? lol

Went there on Friday after work and the waves were retarded! Good timing for you guys.
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#208913 Weekend passing

Posted by FrankTheRabbit on 29 November 2010 - 11:29 AM

Started Friday with good intentions. Woke up early to fish a few hours and then head into work...That didn't quite happen.

Went out to Duffins for a few hours and it was tough fishing. I'm sure it's been mentioned before, but the waters were dark and stained and it was blowing like a mofo. Upon leaving, I decided to take the rest of the day off and head out to Wilmot. That would be the only place that I landed a fish. It wasn't very big...perhaps a 3 pounder, but better to have caught something than nothing.

After that, went up north to visit the g/f's family. I really do enjoy being up there more and more, especially now that I've been introduced to trout & salmon fishing. :)

My friend landed two big ones (a five pounder and a 4 pounder). We ate the bigger trout that night, which was enough to feed five people! :) Fish really do taste better up there. I ended up getting skunked on Saturday.

Next day, started around 8am and took a few places to finally land one! This was such a beauty that I just had to release it. It was too pretty to keep. It looks a bit prego too, so I hope it will have a happy spawning life.

It wasn't a very hard fighter and come to think of it, my friend's catches weren't fighting either. And would you call this a rainbow or a steelhead?

Posted Image

I'm still new to this centre-pin action and I had a lot of difficulties in trying to cast far. I've been using the wallis cast, but I could only manage about a 20ft cast. I saw some guys that were able to hit 50ft, with ease.

What's the secret?
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#208706 Anyone catch other types of Salmon

Posted by FrankTheRabbit on 23 November 2010 - 09:18 PM

Can't really say I've caught, but I've seen a coho swim downstream at Bronte. Makes me want to take a trip to out west or Alaska. Keep salivating over the videos I see on YouTube.

Oh yea, I've had some smoked coho in between my sandwich. :)
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