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Member Since 06 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 06 2010 02:58 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Justing starting - My equipment

06 August 2010 - 03:25 PM


Im just started fishing and i got 2 rods nothing special and here they are tell me what you think, they are both 8ft rods, i am probably going to get a 10ft rod soon, just looking for a good rod for a good price. Tell me what you think about my equipment, I would say its not good.

Rod: Shimano 8ft TDR-80M2B

Machine: FX4000FB
http://www.anglerswa... ... 8580_L.jpg

I use this rod for carp, catfish, bass and pike fishing, It's probably not made for all those fish but for me it works like a charm and never really had a problem.

my other rod here i use for salmon fishing and on a few occasions for carp, I have caught a couple 14-22 lb salmon with this rod i think, the rod is not amazing, the brand is not popular, it was cheap but its good for me.

Rod: Mako Calypso
http://ecx.images-am... ... AA300_.jpg

http://leichichina.e... ... -Reel.html

In Topic: Elmira fishing?

06 August 2010 - 03:02 PM

How is the situation down at Elmira-Conestoga? for pike and such? I have been hearing that the pike have been over fished their and their isn't much of anything down their. What else can you catch down their? What bait should i bring.