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Member Since 09 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active Jun 07 2014 12:24 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: lowrance or humminbird

09 June 2011 - 10:00 PM

Hey Corey,

so did you ever get the Lowrance? I was looking at the same model and wanted someone with some feedback on it.
The other model I looked at was the HB 570DI but was leaning towards the Elite 5 DSI

In Topic: credit water conditions

18 September 2010 - 12:45 AM

was in Streetsville tonight and super cloudy muddy. :oops:

In Topic: Lake Aquataine in Mississauga

17 September 2010 - 06:01 PM

Definitely do not eat...

http://www.creditval... ... ng.htm#laq

In Topic: Salmon / Steelhead Rigs

17 September 2010 - 01:43 PM

My first post and it will be a big thank you. Have been lurking and trolling(no pun intended) for a little while now finding much valuable information. Always nice to see members who don't mind sharing. I respect those that prefer to keep things to themselves, but in the end sooner or later we'll either figure things out for ourselves through trial and error, or have help from others. And have found this site to be mainly full of people willing to share and make newbies feel inclusive.
I come from a MTBing background and there are members that would never divulge the location of a trailhead, like the were the ones to discover it. Just doesn't seem to help propel any individual sport.

This site has prove invaluable to my son and me, as we are relatively new to fishing. See you out there sometime, just wish we had as much time as you RBoy to fish so much.
