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Member Since 13 Oct 2010
Offline Last Active Feb 22 2019 09:10 AM

#337345 Steelhead Time?

Posted by getin on 25 October 2016 - 09:20 AM

A few fish enter each day and they are caught before you know it. Have seen it in the past two weeks or so that the pools get fished out rather quickly. A major run is yet to happen but even with that we may have fish in the pools for a few days with the amount of pressure. unbelievable. 

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#312701 FYI - There are no real fish in Ashbridges Bay / Tommy Thompson Park

Posted by getin on 28 July 2014 - 09:19 AM

There are definitely fish there, but let's be honest, when you put in one or several days of effort to catch a few fish, that fishery is practically dead - we will see more and more of these, unless major stocking is done. I have traveled and fished in several other parts of the world and should say our waters are more pressured than all I have seen, whereas our stocking records are the lowest they can be. Ontario has one million anglers and way too little conservation or stocking efforts for the fish eating population we have :-)

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#289900 Double Header

Posted by getin on 07 October 2013 - 12:30 PM

Now you are spoon feeding bass :-) lol

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Posted by getin on 05 September 2013 - 09:53 PM

When there was a private report section here, once on water i overheard these two guys. One was telling the other that he posted a fake report on this website and got access to numerous spots. That is how i learned one of honeholes known to me and a few others got invaded by trollers.

The best solution i think is: if you dont want the world know about it, don't post it.
I only share spots with those I feel comfortable with via pm only and sometimes a spot in exchange for one
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#247477 Favourite Fish Species To Catch (Poll)

Posted by getin on 01 November 2012 - 10:27 PM

Anything that bites. Last year after some 50 rainbows I figured how I miss the bite of other species. Even perch, for their own weight, are great fighters. I really like the channge from one species to another.
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#220421 VIP section

Posted by getin on 29 November 2011 - 03:35 PM

I personally liked the previous "reports" section , UNTIL I saw how a good fishing spot can be ruined in a few weeks (in any aspect: fishing, cleanliness, etc) after I took someone there and then he took his friends, and so on. So in general I disagree with posting specific locations on internet. How did people fish before the WEB age?

In addition to that, exploration, discovery, and anticipation are all part of a good fishing day. Can you compare the joy of taking a fish out of a hole you discovered on your own and afte hours of search with just going to somewhere you found on the web?

Lastly, and more importantly,
I was speaking with a friend about this and he mentioned that in a forum in the US, someone took the whole "VIP" or "Restricted access" posts and published that in a blog, revealing everything that was ever posted in that section. I know it might not happen, but it very well may! How do you ensure that one of the banned members would not do that?

For these reasons, I am going to pass on this
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#220345 VIP section

Posted by getin on 28 November 2011 - 07:51 PM

The issues I see with this:

1) You may not want to be known to a large group for personal reasons. Say if you want to call in sick at work and then post pictures of you fishing the very same day. You do not have to of course, but being known puts lot of limitations on what you may want to post

2) the VIP has friends and they have their own friends, and the chain continues. I bet in no time nothing posted there will be their secret. You can limit the access on OFF to only VIP, but out there there is no limit on that.
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#219729 iPhone Fishing Info APP

Posted by getin on 17 November 2011 - 02:44 PM

Too bad for Canada! I don't think this is something to celebrate. The only effect on fishing could me more pople out of work and on water ..lol
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#218063 Bow and brown

Posted by getin on 24 October 2011 - 10:16 PM

The reason I asked whether the bow as a hen or male, I wanted to see how many regular fishermen get it right. There is a background story

I wore out this fish to land it, having a light action tackle, and when I did, noticed it was hooked deep in the throat and was almost dead so I kept it.

Half an hour later this guy came to me and said: why do you keep such a large female? Only keep males, if any! I said it was dying, plus I am within my “possession” limit. So he gave me a lecture as why we should release the big females, and at one point said “you probably don’t know anything about fishing” and I was like “I would not have kept such a large fish if it was not dying, plus I am still within the limits” So to avoid a tension, I left my pool to him, and started fishing somewhere. Later I told him that I appreciate his advice, and that he cares about conservation and that I do not keep all the fish, but he did not have to act like that. He became apologetic and tried to play nice. So we ended up in peace, but guess what, when I cut the fish later, it turned out to be male!

So! The “experienced fisherman” turned out to not know more about fishing that I do! Hope he reads this here so next time he double thinks before he picks on someone.
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#216626 Zoo!

Posted by getin on 28 September 2011 - 05:46 PM

I suppose tourists are to enjoy the sport of fishing and not take it home so such change (if ever happens) would have little effect, if any. The suggestion is catch and release. I do not think the fishing for one species would considerably decline if it becomes catch and release. examples are atlantic salmon, sturgeon.

I support a petition. The least effect is that MNR realizes they are being watched, just as they watch the fishermen
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#216581 Zoo!

Posted by getin on 27 September 2011 - 09:22 PM

Yeah, only if we were in charge of MNR :-)

But seriously, I wish they had some sort of interactions with the average fishermen, through things like this board or their own website, etc. The collective wisdom normally works better than a few
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#216465 Zoo!

Posted by getin on 25 September 2011 - 09:47 PM

Was at one of the eastern tribs today and just walked on the river bank for 1 hour. All I can say is that it was a zoo. At least 500 people, basically forming a continuous line on and in the river. Lots of fish but the poor things could not move up at all. Saw two fish that were landed, and each had over 5 hooks in different parts of their bodies. Tons of dead fish on the bank, floating in the river, and hanging on logs, etc. Man I bet if there was one warden there he could have earned MNR hundreds of thousands of dollar only on that stream as 9 out of 10 fish were snagged or milked for roes, then dropped back. My first time being there at this time of the year, on a weekend so perhas it is like that every year. Hooh, I will have a nightmare tonight
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#214300 2011 Pier fishing talk...

Posted by getin on 14 August 2011 - 10:54 PM

Let's not share updates with informations you got from others, other than your hands on updates. Thanks.

I'd say let's not share these kind of info at all! I may seem selfish here but I think there should be a difference between those who check a waterbody every other day, try to read the weather, etc and those opportunitist who only appear when they see an internet post like above and it happens that those are the ones that do not respect the fish or the fellow fishermen!
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#208529 how many rainbows can you keep?

Posted by getin on 18 November 2010 - 10:14 AM

If I'm not mistaken, standing on a pier would put you in zone 16/17 not zone 20. So your limits on Rainbow Trout would be: S-2 C-1

My understanding is that if you are casting in the river/creek side of the pier, it is 2. If you turn your back and cast into the lake side of the pier, then it is 5!
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#208508 Credit River - Mississauga

Posted by getin on 17 November 2010 - 11:28 PM

Click on a coloured section of the river on the map below to view open season details.

Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee. This is what I was always imagining MNR would do to make reading the maps easier. They should hire you man!
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