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Member Since 03 Jan 2011
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In Topic: Fish Info

08 January 2011 - 11:57 AM


I just wanted to share a website to everyone who might be interested in knowing more about Ontario fish species, not sure if it's been posted before or if anyone knows about it.

It has everything from photographs of fish, habitat, feeding, reproduction, size age, Ontario distribution range maps as well as Status ranking for those of us in the Environmental field that actually use it.

The only downfall about the site is that it doesn't tell you how to catch them or what to use to catch them....



Hey there that is a great link to a site that has everything except the how to catch part. Even tho they dont tell you how to catch them, it still helps alot on knowing where they are at certian times of the year and what they eat. Theres alot of great sites that tell you everything you need to know how to catch them :)..

Good luck fishing and keep the line tight :)..

In Topic: rod case options

04 January 2011 - 07:29 PM

I think the best tip i could give anyone when it comes down to buying a good rod case is to NEVER CHEAP OUT. I once bought a rod case that was 20 bucks and the first day i had it i put it into my car and placed my tackle on top and CRACK the thing just broke and 3 rods snapped. So i then went to Basspro and bought a 90$ case and it has worked perfect for 3 years now :).

In Topic: Fishing with two rods

04 January 2011 - 07:22 PM

Hey there i was talking to some guy down near the river while trout fishing this year and this question also came up. And a guy beside us was telling us that he was fishing in Port Credit and some old man had to rods out and one of the MNR guys came up and simply said " what are you doing and then said i am going to be taking your fishing stuff and never to do it agian. " So if that is infact true it may be alot worse then just a small fine.

Thanks Josh Iannuzzi