110ft, 70ft down on a flasher fly. For the most part, the fish were way out there on Sunday.
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- Member Title Sunfish
- Age 39 years old
- Birthday October 1, 1985
Hamilton, ON
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In Topic: Countdown to impact!
09 August 2017 - 10:06 PM
In Topic: Countdown to impact!
09 August 2017 - 08:37 PM
In Topic: The Ultimate Photo Thread
29 June 2017 - 01:18 PM
If you try the jet divers, let me know how they work. I gave up on trying them due to the drag issue. Otherwise they have the advantage of being buoyant. Meaning that if you have a paddle kayak and you are trolling two lines and stop to fight a fish, your other line floats up rather than being stuck on the bottom.
In Topic: The Ultimate Photo Thread
28 June 2017 - 01:30 PM
Hey Will, I was using a torpedo diver actually. Right now I have the "Shark" which can get you down anywhere between 20-50ft depending on the amount of line out. I will eventually get a larger one if I decide to troll any deeper. I also bought a #1 tadpole diver for trolling spring brown and kings - that will get you down to about 20-30ft. Again depending on speed and line out. The torpedo divers are very simple and can get you down very far without almost any resistance.
I also wanted to get out in the spring time but we all know what kind of weather we were working with in May.
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