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Member Since 29 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Feb 07 2017 09:25 PM

#227774 Catfish

Posted by salmonfisher on 12 April 2012 - 10:32 PM

Hello Beginners,
Do you feel like you have no chance of catching fish? Are you still waiting for that first catch? well, luckily we have the Catfish. Yes the catfish, without a doubt the easiest fish to catch in toronto. But they re are ways of catching more catfish.

First let's talk about the species of catfish. There are thousands of species of catfish in the world. But the most common here in toronto are channel cats and bullhead cats.
Bulheads are smaller but you can catch a much greater quantity, Channels are much bigger but consider yourself lucky if you catch more than a couple.

Like i said before catfish are very easy to catch and very forgiving. Timing isn't really essential, but there are better times than others.
Catfish are quite active in the early morning
as the sun comes p the activity level drops dramaticly but you can still manage a couple
as the sun is abot to dissapear is the best time for. You can literaly see them jumping out the water.

for catfish you can use any kind of rod you want, but its recommended to use a light action with a small reel for bullhead and a medium action and medium size reel for channel cats.
hooks. Hooks don't matter nearly as much as bait does but a not too small and not too big hooks fine. Just pick one that you think would fit in their mouths. If it fits theyll eat it.
for line i think a 10 lb mono or a thirty lb braid works fine.Just run a simple swivel hook weight rig. But keep in mind if you know where your fishing there are really big channels you might want to step up your gear. Thos suckers are strong. Hey you dont want to loose a fish of a lifetime.

The bait you use will determine if you catch fish or not.
the most reliable bait for bullhead are worms. you catch them everysingle time on worms. Now if you can get your hands on the compost worms (theyre smaller and smellier than nightcrawlers) then your in for it. Your going to be catching more bullhead than you can carry. But anything that smells and stays on a hook works. Ive even caught them with bbq chicken.

Now for channels theyre a little more picky. They generally prefer cut bait. I generally use cut sucker or any cheap fish i find at my supermarket. They sometimes take worms but rarely

So if you follow these very simple steps your maximizing your chance of catching fish and enjoying yourself. Catfish are great fish to catch not only for beginners but also for experienced fisherman

Cheers and hope you have fun and catch fish.
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#227574 disgusted

Posted by salmonfisher on 09 April 2012 - 12:32 AM

No common carp are not considered an invasive species in Ontario. You are wrong my friend both from the legal aspect ie the Fishing Regulations and from the scientific aspect. The regs list invasive species the common carp in not listed. They regs also state that it is illegal to have live invasive species in your possession, you can possess live carp. The Guide to Invasive Species in Ontario clearly states the the common carp has been here for so long ( approaching 150 years ) that it is impossible to measure their impact on other fish and the environment. It specifically states that they are not interested in reports on common carp. This guide was created to give professionals , that is scientists and techs an aid in identifying invasive species.
What that man did was against the law and unethical. Any decent person can see that. Rain bow was right to be disgusted.I would never let keyboard bullies sway my opinion on what is right and what is wrong.

That's not the point. Invasive or non invasive no one should be doing such a cruel thing.
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#215082 First Big Catch of the year! Lakeshore mississauga

Posted by salmonfisher on 29 August 2011 - 01:45 PM

which big boy? that carp? that's a little guy.....

now THIS is big boy :D - port credit mississauga

Posted Image

what did you catch it on
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#214562 2011 Pier fishing talk...

Posted by salmonfisher on 19 August 2011 - 10:51 AM

was at port credit today from 5 am to 9 am was not so full theres still casting space but no one caught anything not even a jump tried little cleos, rap j-13's, various spoons. nothing my buddy even tried fishing off the bottom to see if there down there. im second guessing if i should even go back next week or just wait a couple more weeks. i think people are just wasting time right know at port credit and if you do hook into a fish the other non english speaking people (you know who not trying to be racist) they wont even move a foot or reel in their lines last year i hooked into a salmon the dude just cast his lure on my fish and snagged my line i lost the fish he didnt even say sorry just smiled at me i was so mad oh well
all i have to say is right now port credits is really slow
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