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Member Since 29 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Feb 07 2017 09:25 PM

Topics I've Started


21 September 2014 - 12:54 PM

So last week I was out in the east and darn was there a lot of fish, but also a TON of people, managed to land of few in the chaos of "not knowing which fish is mine because everyone is hooked up" LOL, anyways I make my way out yesterday and to my disbelief there are more people than there are fish!!!! Like where'd they all go, ive never seen that happen before, granted there was a "new fish ladder" that was installed last year but I even tracked a fair distance upstream with no success... anyone got any ideas as to what could've happened?





Salmon for the table

06 September 2014 - 04:27 PM

So last year i decided to make my own roe bags again, so i went out an caught a relatively small female full of eggs, bled it, brought it home and cured the eggs, that part went relatively well. Then i felt really bad about throwing away a perfectly good fish so i filleted it up and to my surprise the flesh was white, it wasn't the colour of the salmon we buy at the store, although i did like the flavour as it wasn't as strong as the store bought salmon i would still like to have the colour so it feels like im eating salmon LOL Does anyone know why that is or if that's even normal?


Thanks for the help

Marine mechanic

27 April 2014 - 04:55 PM

Hey guys,


Any of you know a good marine mechanic that I can go to?, I need my outboard fixed, it just wont start this year.... Im located in the GTA but I don't mind driving an hour or so....



Lake Scucog

18 April 2014 - 11:22 AM

Hey guys, I've been wanting to hit Scucog in the old 14 foot tin for some slabs but im really not sure if its still frozen, since its over an hour and a half of driving for me I don't wanna risk it. If anymore can help out it would be greatly appreciated!!!!



Big Bay Point

12 March 2014 - 03:22 PM

hey guys, this Sunday will be my second time heading out to BBP, first time was a total bust. I was just wondering how thick the ice is? Ive been to cooks bay a lot and I see people driving around in full size pick ups and I was wondering if I can drive a compact sedan near BBP. My reason is that I really have trouble walking the long distances out to the fish and I would enjoy the trip way more if I didn't have to make the long walk back if I didn't catch anything. any advice would be greatly helpful.

