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Member Since 02 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 25 2015 07:24 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Walleye from the Shore

06 October 2011 - 05:32 PM

Go to rice lake...its a good place to fish for walleye

I am looking to catch my first walleye..or two or three. Can anyone suggest a productive water that is not too far from Toronto, say under 90 minutes, and fishable from the shore. I hear that Bay of Quinte is very good but that is a bit far and they say that you really need a boat there which I do not have. Thanks.

In Topic: 2011 Pier fishing talk...

05 September 2011 - 02:13 PM

EAST TRIB REPORT (Thurday night into Friday Morning)

Went out on Thurday night with 2 friends.
Since wednesday storm was certainly hoping the rains would drive in more salmon from outside of the Piers.

Weather was nice, mostly clear night.
Water was dirty of course, due to rain the day before.

The action was general SLOW.
Only about 1 fish per hour being hooked.

Funny thing was the landing percentage, about 1/10
I personally had on (2) and lost both.

1. For about 30 seconds, spit hook
2nd got crossed with guy who was down about 60 yrds talking to buddy. (Didnt have time to get line out)

The fish are there, just not in great numbers yet.
Hope we get some more rain and slightly cooler temps.

Best to all!

ps: I cleaned up tons of Timmy's and Plasitc bottles.
The garbage can is only 50 ft away.

Please clean up, it only takes a second is the RIGHT THING to DO!

Yeah, and sadly a number of these people having been fishing for some time now...you'd think they would be the ones telling people to throw their trash away but they are the ones leaving it behind. I don't mind picking up someone's else garbage every now and then but when they leave pieces of fishing lines behind, well....&%$*

In Topic: Salmon Breaking Water

03 September 2011 - 02:43 AM

hahaha looks like nobody has a definate answer...how many of you have caught a 35+ lber?

In Topic: Port Credit: Salmon “pier” fishing tips for noobs

01 September 2011 - 01:06 AM

My Blackberry has a LED flash for the camera and there's a Flashlight app available for like a dollar. I found it to work much better than a traditional flashlight.

The problem with that is that its gonna drain your battery and eventually screw up your battery life...the original BB battery comes for around $70 + tax vs a flash that you can buy at bronte for $6 + tax...trust me on the battery thing, i know it from experience.

In Topic: Tips and good fishing spots at centre island

28 August 2011 - 08:24 PM

I used a metal fish bait that I lost and now I'm using a spoon for the fIrst Time but it keeps hook weeds... What kind of fish will take a spoon other than Pike?

Most fish....salmon, trout, walleye, muskie...go to a local store and ask em for spoons...i dont fish for bass so dont know much