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Member Since 11 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 04 2018 07:44 AM

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In Topic: GTA Taxidermy

24 August 2011 - 05:10 PM

Can anyone recommend a good taxidermist in the GTA? Or let's say anywhere between Lake O, Georgian Bay, Sarnia, London, and Erie.

One that you have had work done with before and found professional and worthy of repeat business.

I have always wanted to mount a fish and I caught one today that I want to mount.

I looked one up online and saw that the price was $12/inch..so I am looking at around $300 for a 25" fish. Seems relatively pricey considering a whole wolf is $800 but if I am only going to do one in my whole life, so be it.

Thanks in advance.

I had one done by Jeff Brain in Orillia who is an award winning, world renowned guy who also teaches taxidermy across the continent. I paid $17 per inch about 3 years ago but if you are in a hurry forget it. It took over a year as he is so much in demand. The result is top notch though. He is right off Hwy 11 just south of Orillia. Google Jeff Brain taxidermy.

In Topic: Trophy Fish Stories!

11 August 2011 - 06:51 PM

Caught at sundown trolling on Lake Muskoka near Walkers Point.

Epic battle on only 6 lb. Test and a Medium action 7' rod that lasted almost 15 minutes.... Man won this one! Took some patience.

12 lb. + Walleye!!

This is my Stanly Cup! This is being Canadian.

Just wanted to share my Trophy Fish story...

Lets hear some of your best fishing tales or Monster Trophies you may have landed!

Nice fish. We cottage on Browning Island, north end & not far from Walkers Point. Do you cottage/live there? I fish a lot but don't usually target Walleye, do catch the odd one though, none over 5 lb yet. I mostly go after big Pike and Lake Trout. What were you using if I may ask, what depth and speed? TIA

PS I am still chasing my Trophy fish story. I have had 2 monsters on in Lake Muskoka over the last 2 years and lost both of them before I could get a look at them. Quite certain one was a Pike and the other a Lake Trout, both scary big fish.

In Topic: Bala Muskoka Fishing?

11 August 2011 - 06:23 PM

My friends and I rented a cottage for the last week of august. What type of fish can I expect to catch? I have access to a canoe so I'l most likely be fishing from that and the shore.

Thanks in advance!

Lake Muskoka has Small & Largemouth Bass, Pickeral, big Pike & Lake Trout. Below the dam, the Moon River also has Musky. In late August the Lake Trout & big Pike will moslty be below 20 feet. I fish them with a downrigger in July & Aug. Have fun!