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Member Since 12 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active May 15 2014 01:28 PM

Topics I've Started

one from the weekend

20 August 2012 - 12:41 PM

went out on Friday did pretty good landed sum lost sum. funny part was that the mnr shows up so me and my buddy were toking to him wen this dood goes by with a chinny on with his j13 sticking out of its dorsal fin right in front of the mnr man did i lmao dood lost his rod real and all his gear and a nice big fine :mrgreen: Attached File  524317_485896254768552_1004991556_n (1).jpg   32.68KB   259 downloads

gta pike

01 February 2012 - 11:19 AM

went out fishing with my buddy yesterday didn't catch much but my buddy did 2 nice big pike . crank baits were the ticket ;-) Attached File  431166_10150628994000239_512445238_11404384_653573543_n.jpg   126.03KB   580 downloadsAttached File  401427_10150628995175239_512445238_11404386_600823004_n.jpg   90.24KB   549 downloads

centre pin reel

04 November 2011 - 01:34 PM

geting a new center pin reel. has any one checked out the new okuma Raw-II 1002 center pin reel orderd it today cant wait to get it on the rivers now just need to get a new rod to go with it any suggestions would be greatAttached File  24004191-v1.jpg   110.74KB   106 downloads

glad i got out yesterday

20 October 2011 - 07:19 PM

yesterday was a good day