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Member Since 21 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Sep 18 2012 01:49 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Best places to be In mississauga from July-October

25 July 2012 - 08:08 PM

lake ontario, mouth of port credit centenial park for catfish and if you want something edible try lakes up to the north.

In Topic: 100% Guaranteed Salmon

20 September 2011 - 05:26 AM

Our mods should start charging for advertising lol :lol:

I wouldnt be surprised that the site might be affiliated to him, been on a forumville business for a long time amd I can tell you how many are affiliates with the site when someone advertise such service or product.

In Topic: Any update at mouth of Credit River?

16 September 2011 - 06:26 PM

Did you see how many salmon he was keeping? A sporting license will allow you to keep 5 and a conservation license will allow you to keep two. If the guy caught 10 and only let three go, he is still over the allowed limit, thus he's poaching.

I would advise anyone who sees another angler keeping more than their limit to call the MNR tips line. You can call anonymously, but what really helps is you capturing the person on camera and forwarding that as evidence to MNR.

Keep this number in your cell phone: 1-877-847-7667

Didnt exactly see him caught that many but been told by the guy that I talked to that a man in proximity caught that many the other night. I would sure contact the number if I see something fishy, one 25 lb is enough to feed for month LOL It was a lot fun seeing this salmon fought and jumping off the water.

In Topic: Any update at mouth of Credit River?

15 September 2011 - 11:29 PM

I just went there around 8:30 pm tonight and saw a guy caught around 25lbs of salmon under the bridge of Port Credit. Talk to other guy and been told that he caught around 10 big salmon last night but he droped the other 3 since he got too many.

In Topic: underwater carp videos

06 September 2011 - 04:17 PM

i would call it a sports its should be more of a hobby than a sports in my opinon.