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Member Since 22 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Sep 16 2012 06:59 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: are they in yet

21 August 2012 - 08:40 PM

no salmon just body parts

In Topic: Korkers wading boots

10 August 2012 - 03:35 PM

Being my birthday today I've already received a lot of gifts, among those gifts were a beautiful pair of Korkers wading boots with the omnitrax sole system, have any of you guys used this brand and if so what do you think of them? The interchangeable sole system seems very durable. I'd love to get some feed back.

i like them alot. i got them for a great price when i was in edmonton.

In Topic: river etiquit

17 October 2011 - 10:31 PM

I was wading in a popular eastern trib today and came accross a burlap sack in the shallows snagged with the biggest red treble hooks ever LoL I even got a lure out of it.. whoever owns the purple colored japanese lure Im holding it ransom!!!!

In Topic: Good Read For New Steelheaders around the 519 Area.

06 October 2011 - 10:58 PM

Yah I agree,
The info is out there, you didn't do anything wrong.

I'm just saying that the locals are proud of their hidden gem streams, and a lot of people do tireless work keeping them clean.
Everyone is worried about their home creeks turning into shoulder to shoulder "GTA" type of creeks.

The one thing is, if you get skunked down there, you don't always wanna go back right away, cause it can be miserable navigating some remote stretches. TOUGH...

Im all about the adventure and the hike. Keeps me fit if you can say that LoL I totally agree with you though I wouldn't want a bunch of loud mouthed litterers fishing around me on my home streams If I can even call any of them one of them because I haven't fished them all being so virgin to this beautiful sport. Being online and seeing all the different views has definately opened my eyes on what is acceptable and unacceptable. You can't make everyone happy but you can do the best you can to preserve our fisheries and their environments. I never really cared so much until i started steelheading but I always try to keep up with the regulations long before that. Rules were made for a reason You break them you pay the price and you are bound to get caught one of these days.. Now I am just rambling LoL A friend of mine accidently snagged a chinney over the wknd in the belly while floatfishing and it was a hen he asked me if I wanted to keep it for the roe.. I didn't know it was snagged til i saw the gash in the belly. I said if she's snagged let her go, Its not right and I don't feel good about it. Nobody else would have known we were going to keep a fish unlawfully caught but still you would have that guilty conscious of illegal obtaining a fish just for the sole purpose of using its roe to catch more fish.

In Topic: Raven XXS MicroSwivels

06 October 2011 - 09:47 PM

Ive had this happen to me with the microswivels that were made in china LoL bought them at an asian tackle store for 99cents a pack now that i use ravens ive never had one fail i even landed a 30plus pound salmon using 8lb main 6lb lead under a float and i had this sucker on for a good half hour before landing it. I didnt even retie after that but i didn't catch any more fish either LoL