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Member Since 02 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 04 2012 09:18 AM

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In Topic: Please dont kick fish

23 November 2011 - 01:22 AM

Hey folks, please dont kick your fish back into the river. I dont understand after all your hard work n patience to catch a beautiful fish and treating it like garbage. Please give it the respect it deserves and release it properly.

Seen it happen twice now n by folks who look like they know what there doing. Not dressed in canadian gear if you know what I mean.

Oh man, I was down at petro last week caught a nice sized chinny hen, wanted to let her go and do her thing (have enough roe for this season and next!). Any how my back had been bugging me for a few days and mid fight with this beast (24+lbs), don't you know it, I feel a pop in my lower back.. So I ended up bringing her in stuck hunched on one side, beached her and then the problems began, I was so locked up I couldn't even bend down to take the hook out, so I had to cut my line, leave the hook in the poor thing and well.. kick her back into the water.. The whole time there is a guy not even 15ft away sees all this go down and believe me my groans were audible from the sheer pain, but chooses to stand there like a loveing nob and give me dirty looks when I am trying to get this fish back in the water. I mean really? I am in incredible amounts of pain trying to prop this fish between my feet to face it upstream so it can live, but buddy next to me sees some guy kicking a game fish along.. End of the day, I am not a Canadian, I do not dress like a Canadian(unfortunately due to being Australian my wardrobe consists of shorts singlets and flip flops and haven't prepared for the winter yet) So if you see a guy "not from here" kicking a fish, maybe assess the situation before you decide how to approach it..

Side note: I have seen plenty of "Canadians" do loveing unsightly things to fish in bronte creek and the credit, same amount that do the same thing back in Australia. So why don't you think a little harder about what you say before you say it, it is totally regardless where the person is from every country has douche bags, don't become a statistic..

In Topic: Oooo... The Colors!

22 November 2011 - 08:30 AM

float i'm pretty sure hes fish is a steelhead

i found this atlantic dead few weeks ago darn shame
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That fish looks like it's been gutted........... Being an Atlantic I should sure as hell hope not, what a waste! Anyhow, in the last 2 weeks at Bronte there have been stupid reporters from jokevilles local news
hassling anglers (myself included) for interviews and info on the gutted salmon/trout every where. We are going to lose access because of assholes not knowing how to milk a loveing fish or thinking
it's awesome to leave literally a pile of 15 salmon (Yes I did see that, 15 stacked in a pile) on the creek bank. Sorry to go off topic but that line under the *dead* Atlantic, made me think of the 3 ass hats
in the last few weeks who have approached me at Petro park.

In Topic: Bottom Bouncing

12 November 2011 - 05:19 PM

Yeah, wondering this myself, also bottom bouncing at Petro, splits or egg to bottom bounce?

In Topic: First brown of the....

09 November 2011 - 07:31 PM

No, but it WAS the CREDIT, and the "Guy" was swearing he was out EAST!
It was kinda an easy one, cause the "Rock" I'm talking about is well known.

He wasnt showing the Whole Rock in the Pic.... But it had one piece of FIRERED MESH (from a roe bag) in a crack.
Guess what kind i was using? (Day before in the Cloudy Water)


and just the contours of that rock are imbedded in my Brain.
Many a day have I chucked HARDWARE standing on it

HARDWARE, CHROME, SPOT ("Mr. Wiggles" - love all my fish)
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only been to credit a handful of times, but I know that exact spot!

In Topic: First brown of the....

09 November 2011 - 07:28 PM

You know its crazy that I could tell you were at Bronte by the ground/rocks/foliage.


I bet I know the exact spot that was. I've been to that creek so many times I could tell you where every stone is hahaha.

I am curious, please do tell where I think was...